On Tour with Prism Book Tours...
The Legendary Tour Grand Finale
As the lighting blazed in a dancing, arcing column to the sky, a voice deep and powerful as thunder said, “My son, today my powers are bestowed upon you.”
As the lighting blazed in a dancing, arcing column to the sky, a voice deep and powerful as thunder said, “My son, today my powers are bestowed upon you.”
Combining legitimate legends with actual historical events, Marshall Best weaves an epic story that portrays the ancient world as it might have been, a world which the ancient historians recorded as fact; a time when gods ruled the earth and strange creatures dominated the land. It is the era of civilized conquerors exploring distant and primitive new lands. Scant recordings left to us today only touch on the fringe of the fantastic and brutal reality that existed in those distant lands of the west.
Into this age, young Guiamo enters the world stage as the great game-changer, and by his hand the gods and beasts become destined to disappear into myth and legend.
Find out more about the writing of The Chronicles of Guiamo Durmius Stolo
and his world from where we stopped along the tour:
11/25: Launch
11/26: My Love for Reading Keeps Growing - Reviews of all four books
"With every book I keep thinking that it cannot get more intense but it seems that Marshall Best has a fabulous way of describing battle scenes. I know I have said it before but I am still surprised at how much I love this series because it’s not something I would have read if not given this opportunity to review."
The Chronicles of Guiamo Durmius Stolo, like many stories before them, would never have come to be if it were not for the love of a father. Having written The Princess Meredith Bedtime Tales for his six year old daughter, Marshall Best decided to begin writing stories for his other children as well. He began with 10 year old William, fashioning Guiamo, the main character in his series, after his son.

Marshall’s son, although a typical boy with a temper, is also very caring. He respects the older generation a great deal, looks out for the weak or downtrodden around him and is kind to children. These characteristics come out in Guiamo as he interacts with the brigands and their leader, Actus, the “Driven One”, as well as Suadusegus, Guiamo’s teacher. His actions toward them are anything but ordinary.
11/29: Mel's Shelves - Reviews of Guiamo and Cumoro
"The author has definitely done his research. I like the way certain details are brought back into the story later on so I feel that every part of the story is significant. I also love what I'm learning from Guiamo's character and how he deals with the situations he finds himself in."
12/1: Life as Leels - Review of Cumoro
* Review of Guiamo *
"I thoroughly recommend the entire The Chronicles of Guiamo series. I really don’t think there is “one audience” that this appeals to. Whether you be man, woman or young adult reader, I think this series appeals to all."
12/2: The Wonderings of One Person - Guest Post
Ancient history, especially, is filled with myths and legends galore of fantastical creatures, gods intermingling with man, fierce beasts and quests of heroes battling against evil.
12/3: Tressa’s Wishful Endings - Guest Post
In this region, Old Irish is the oldest recorded language and can be tied back to around 500 A.D. which is much later than the period in which the stories take place.
12/4: Bookworm Lisa - Guest Post
All battles in book one are real battles that Mr. Best has described as best he could. As in other historical fiction novels, he takes known facts and fashions a story around those facts to fill in the gaps of what we do not know. What makes it fantasy is the fantastical creatures and magic that accompany it.
12/5: Mythical Books - Review of Cumoro
* Review of Guiamo *
"What this volume brings extra? Action! Yes, action with a capital A! You will have full pages of atrocious battles, of bloody fights whose outcome will oscillate to one side to the other. There will be no more the elegant and brilliant Caesar's maneuvers that could win a battle like a game of chess. Will be the wild frays of those feral times and places."
12/6: All Fantasy Worlds - Review of Guiamo
"Oh, how I love a well written book with a carefully built plot! And how I love to see the characters grow with every page I turn!
. . . One of the things I loved about this book is that the main character, Guiamo, needs to learn in order to become a great man."
12/8: Pieces of Whimsy - Guest Post
12/9: Mother Daughter Book Reviews - Author Interview
4. What is YOUR favorite part of the book?
I really like the parts where Guiamo learns about the ancient gods, Roman, Greek and Egyptian, when they lived among us as the men and women they were in the ancient days.
12/10: My Devotional Thoughts
Did you answer this quiz correctly?
Q: What is special about the spear given to Guiamo by Mars?
A: It can understand Guiamo and take orders.
This is true when Guiamo commands it in the ancient tongue.
12/11: Colorimetry
Marshall hopes to travel to England and Ireland someday to see and experience the places in his novels. We asked him to share where he would plan to visit...
+ Jessica's Casserole - Review
"This series has a VERY well developed plot and distinctive characters. I had an easy time keeping the characters straight and following the story. There was plenty of imagery that inspired my imagination to really get involved with the book."
+ Interview with author, Christy Nicholas, about Ireland
The Hill of Tara is one of many sacred sites in Ireland. It has been the site, for hundreds of years, where the High King is crowned. For any potential king, he must pass several tests. One is that he must drive his chariot between two standing stones, which form a V. These two stones must widen to let him pass, an indication that the land has accepted him as High King. Another test is that he must drive his chariot over the Lia Fáil, another standing stone, and it would screech in response. That screech showed to the surrounding countryside that Queen Madb, the goddess of the land, has accepted him as king...
12/12: Books for Kids - Guest Post

Then I read the meaning of its name. It means “loch of the Red Eye.” Who would have thought such a coincidence would present itself so fittingly."
+ Dalene's Book Reviews - Guest Post
Marshall also enjoys putting real life issues into his books, delving into a bit of philosophy while entertaining with orcs, dragons, magic and battles...
12/13: Celtic Myth Podshow - Excerpt
Julius Caesar, in his writings, De Bello Gallico, tells of the Brittani coloring their bodies blue. We see this portrayed in the movie Braveheart as well. Marshall Best, in his series The Chronicles of Guiamo Durmius Stolo, has a new twist as to why these warriors painted themselves blue.
Read more, plus an excerpt at Celtic Myth Podshow...
+ Grande Finale
Guiamo Durmius Stolo sails in 55 B.C. with Rome’s 7th Legion as Julius Caesar invades Britain. But Caesar has not before encountered the Fomori, a dominion of wicked creatures which wage war against the human inhabitants and dominate much of Britain. Armed with his god-made spear, Guiamo joins with the tribal kings against their Fomori foe when Caesar departs.
Having destroyed the Fomori in Britain , Guiamo Durmius Stolo decides in 51 B.C. to bring the Cruthin people, once slaves to the Fomori, to Ireland , but encounters the Fomori who reside there as well. Guiamo discovers that the gods venerated by the Druids are unworthy. The gods are displeased with him and begin to work against him.
In 50 B.C. Guiamo Durmius Stolo finds himself victor over the detested Fomori whose leader, Cichol, is slain and those few who survived are scattered. Guiamo explores the secret places where Cichol kept his most important secrets and discovers there the treasures of Cichol's master, the goddess Domnu.
The Author:
Marshall Best is an avid reader, father of six and business owner. In the past several years he has found his love of writing as well. What began as a desire to write a story for his children has evolved into a nine book series.
Marshall has done extensive research into the history behind the legends, people and places of England, Scotland and Ireland involved in his books. He loves being able to weave real people and legends into his stories making them come alive. He is definitely a writer that tends to the details often mapping out timetables, calendars, geneologies, etc. that pertain to his book to ensure that it is as realistic as possible.
Marshall also enjoys putting real life issues into his books, delving into a bit of philosophy while entertaining with orcs, dragons, magic and battles. He is someone who loves a grand adventure but makes sure it's not a shallow one.
Tour-Wide Giveaway:
-One print set signed by author – world wide giveaway
-One print set signed by author – world wide giveaway
-One complete e-book set – codes provided to smashwords
-Two winners: e-book of Cumoro and a $5 Amazon gift card each
-Two winners: e-book of Morlanos and a $5 Amazon gift card each
-Two winners: e-book of Inis Emain Ablach and a $5 Amazon gift card each
Ends 12/20. Please see restrictions on Rafflecopter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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