For those of you who are touring your book or series for the first time or are touring with Prism Book Tours for the first time, here is some information that you should know:
Always feel free to ask any questions at any point, even if just clarifying some information. You can leave questions in the tour inquiry or by emailing us. We want you to be comfortable and be able to sit back, chat with followers and fans, and enjoy your tour. Being on the same page with us is also important. Tours can feel a little overwhelming the first time and there can be a lot of information to process.
You (the author or publisher) begin the process by reviewing our tour options and then submitting a tour inquiry here. We normally respond to tour inquiries within a few days.
The Tour Timetable:
- Author/publisher submits a tour inquiry
- Prism responds to the tour inquiry to work out the dates and other immediate details for the tour
- Author/publisher confirms and sends a high resolution book cover(s) and any other information pertinent to getting a tour sign-up out to our tour hosts
- Sign-up goes out to Prism's tour hosts
- Prism sends a list of all other needed information for the tour
- Author/publisher responds back about other details (theme, giveaway, number of type of posts, any questions, etc.) and confirming the list of items needed for the tour
- Once the author/publisher has access to review copies, or at least three weeks prior to the tour, ebook copies or a NetGalley or BookFunnel link is then emailed to Prism (if there will be reviews on the tour), which will be forwarded on to reviewers. If there are print copies, these are mailed to reviewers at least three weeks prior to the tour.
- Three weeks prior to the tour the author/publisher sends the launch interview/post and other exclusive content (excerpts, guest posts, and any interviews) needed for the tour
- Two weeks prior to the tour the invoice is due through PayPal
- One to two weeks prior to the tour Prism sends the post info to tour hosts
- One to two weeks prior to the tour Prism sends out the launch information to the author/publisher
- Day 1, the tour launches and tour stops begin per the tour schedule (we generally only have tour stops Mondays through Fridays with a few exceptions, and never on Sundays)
- Each tour stop post is checked at some point each day and the launch is updated with direct links and any changes. Tour stops are also shared on social media.
- The giveaway continues for five days after the last scheduled tour stop to allow readers to enter and any reviewers who needed an extension to post.
- Once the giveaway has ended, winners are pulled in Rafflecopter by Prism. Winners are contacted and then the author/publisher awards the prize(s) once the winner(s)' information has been confirmed.
We do the most work pre-tour when we gather all of the information (book info, author info, giveaway info, guest posts, excerpts, interviews, create graphics, etc.). During the tour is when we interact with tour hosts and share posts on social media. If you can visit each stop during the tour (you don't need to read reviews, but you can thank the blogger for hosting) and share the post that will help create more buzz for your tour and also build a stronger link with each blogger. The more fans and those that remember your name, the more successful your tour will be and the more you will build your base for future releases.
Here’s everything we discuss and decide on for a tour:
Review copies. We need to know if you'll be gifting copies through Amazon, sending directly to bloggers' Kindles, emailing ebook copies, sending a review copy link (like BookFunnel or NetGalley) or mailing print books, or a combination of these options. We need to know format, if open to US or outside the US, and if there is a limit on copies (particularly for print copies).
Launch. We normally include a short interview as part of the Launch for authors new to Prism. Here are the questions we use:
- What inspired you to write [BOOK TITLE]?
- What do you love the most about this story?
- What challenged you about writing it?
- Which character do you most relate to and why?
- What do you hope readers will take with them after they’ve read it?
- What do you enjoy doing when you're not writing?
For authors not new to Prism, we generally have a note from the author (just a paragraph or two) that welcomes readers/bloggers to the tour and introduces the book.
Posts. Prism's tours generally do not have promo or spotlight posts (posts with all the same, generic information with no exclusive content individual to that stop) except for blitzes and cover reveals (not tours). We send out the book, author, tour, and giveaway info to each blogger, but they each also have one piece that is exclusive to their stop, be it a review, interview, excerpt, or guest post.
A one-week tour generally includes ten guest posts and/or excerpts and/or interviews. A two-week tour generally includes ten to fifteen. We additionally hold a few extra excerpts in reserve, just in case.
We suggest that the author/publisher add pictures to each guest post to draw the eye and interest, as applicable. Here are some guest post suggestions:
- Character interviews (one for the the main character(s) and/or side characters)
- Intro to the book
- Inspiration for the book/series
- Character descriptions (can include a dream cast - that’s where you pick a celebrity that you think could play your character - one per main character)
- Setting of the book - the town the book takes place in and important places.
- Other characters important to the story or setting
- Why to write in your genre.
- About being an author and searching for the next story
- Fun/romantic/intense moments or scenes
- Your favorite books and/or movies in the same genre
- Tens list (ten interesting facts, ten reasons to do what your character(s) did/didn't do, ten favorite things about your setting, ten favorite books/movies similar to your story, etc.)
- Then there are the just random and fun ones, like “Ten books on your tbr?,” “This or That,” “Ten favorite books of all-time,” etc.
Excerpts and guest posts should be approximately 1/2 to 1 page, or 200 - 300 words, single spaced in 12 pt font in MS Word.
Giveaways. Bookish prizes draw readers, gift cards draw more exposure. We suggest doing a mix of both. If you choose a gift card, we suggest using Amazon. It can be just about any amount, $20 - $100, but you can do whatever you’d like. We also suggest giving away a print and/or ebook copy of a prior, backlisted title as we want readers buying the book on tour. Adding some swag or gifts that tie into the book with a print copy is a fun giveaway. You need to note if you have any shipping restrictions. You also need to note if you can email or only gift an ebook through a vendor and what ebook formats are available.
All of this information is gathered, discussed, and confirmed for each of the tours Prism organizes. First and foremost, we want your tour experience to be fun and rewarding. We love finding creative ways to bring you new readers and grow your brand.
Be sure to add our email to your contacts so that you don't miss our emails! We hope you enjoy touring with us!