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Tour Options

Our goal is to provide affordable options to authors and publishers, while also providing creative touring, aiding you in getting the best exposure to build your fan base. Feel free to ask us questions via email or have us put together a customized tour package that fits your needs.


We are NOT scheduling any future promotions at this time, and a future date to reopen is not currently available. Authors/publishers with books that contain mature content should look to inquire with other tour companies, such as Xpresso Book Tours, iRead Book Tours, Pump Up Your Book, or RABT Book Tours & PR. Those with clean content or Christian themes, should inquire with JustRead Publicity Tours or Celebrate Lit.


A few things to note:

  • Please add us to your email contacts so that you don't miss our emails! We don't want to end up in your junk/spam folder or get bounced back unknowingly (all email providers do not send notifications if our emails don't reach you). The email address to add is
  • Payment will be required in full via PayPal two weeks before an event begins.
  • If you've worked with us before, you receive a 10% loyalty discount on all services (excluding Social Media Blasts and Bookstagram Tours).
  • Please note that most all of our tour events run Mondays through Fridays. Tour giveaways run through the following Wednesdays to allow reader to enter and those who need an extension on posting their review. Bookstagram tours also run Mondays through Fridays with their giveaways running through the following Sunday. Blitzes and cover reveals and their giveaways run for five days and are not limited to Mondays through Fridays.
Themed Tours

These promotions include reviews, guest posts, interviews, excerpts, and a giveaway (prize(s) provided by the author/publisher).
- 2 weeks - $110
- 1 week - $75
- Extra themed graphics or other exclusive content is an additional cost, as requested, on a case by case basis

Review & Excerpt Tours

These promotions include reviews and excerpts, and a giveaway (prize(s) provided by the author/publisher).
- 2 weeks - $110
- 1 week - $75

$30/Day Prism Tour

- 3 Day Minimum, 1 Author/Book per Day

These promotions are for a group of authors who want to run a promotion together, each author for each day of the tour. Or for an author or publisher who wants to spotlight multiple books, so one book each day of the tour. One post is prepared for each day and is shared by multiple bloggers, with a joint giveaway. Each author pays $30 for their day and then contributes to the join giveaway. You can read more here.

$50 Cover Reveal

A cover reveal with a giveaway (prize(s) provided by the author/publisher).

$50 Book Blitz

An excerpt or guest post with a giveaway (prize(s) provided by the author/publisher) celebrating the release, sale, or promotion of a book.

$75 3-day Blitz

Like a Prism Tour, but with an author who wants to spotlight a series or multiple blitz posts for a book over three consecutive or nonconsecutive days with a giveaway (prize(s) provided by the author/publisher). Like a book blitz, only bigger.

$50 Review Requests

Reviews offered to bloggers and non-bloggers who have 60 days to review a book online. Average reviews garnered is between 10 and 20.

$45 Bookstagram Tours

A one-week tour on Instagram with one to three stops per day depending on the amount of print copies the author/publisher wishes to mail out. A copy is also provided to Prism Book Tours, so six, eleven, or sixteen print copies are needed for these tours. There is also a giveaway (prize(s) provided by the author/publisher) held exclusively on Instagram.

A digital tour can also be set up using digital copies, but the response to these types of tours, as well as reach, is drastically lower than when print books are available.

$15 Social Media Blasts

A graphic, hashtag, tag and a sentence all sent to our bloggers to share on their social media platforms if they wish to do so. These usually run for five days, but can be run over a shorter timeframe as well.

Book Your Promotion

Praise for Prism Book Tours:
"With very little time before my release day, Tressa and Laura quickly stepped in. Prism Book Tours efficiently put together an amazing release day blitz for my book. I'd work with them again in a heartbeat!" Jennifer Ellision, author of the Threats of Sky and Sea series
"Prism Book Tours does a fantastic job promoting books. They take the fear out of marketing. They're easy to work with, creative, very professional, and fun. I highly recommend their services!"  Donna Hatch, award-winning author of the best-selling Rogue Hearts series 
"I have to say - the tour was absolutely a wonderful thing for me and Evie's Knight! I so, so, SO appreciate all your hard work, and plan to tell every writer friend I have to hook up with Prism Book Tours when they're looking to promote their novel... I really loved how you went the extra mile to make the tour unique to my novel. By adding extra posts like art and food, we created more interest in the story, and reached a wider audience in the process. You think outside the box, and I love that!" — Kimberly Krey, author of the top-selling Sweet Montana Bride series


Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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[name=Prism Book Tours] [img=] [description=We have years of book blogging and promotional tour experience. Our goal is to provide affordable options to authors and publishers for promoting their books, while also adding creative touring. We hope you enjoy working with us!] (facebook= (twitter= (instagram= (bloglovin= (pinterest=

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