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An Incurable Insanity by Simi K Rao - The Review Tour! Start reading here!

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An Incurable Insanity by Simi K Rao!
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An Incurable InsanityAn Incurable Insanity
by Simi K Rao
Paperback, eBook, 376 pages
Published October 8, 2013 by Tate Publishing

Her heart fluttered when she heard the sound of the key turn in the lock. She quickly adjusted her maroon silk sari with the yellow border, the one that had caught his eye, and waited eagerly for his footsteps.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... Yes, exactly seven steps before he stopped, hesitated for a few moments, then removed his shoes one by one and arranged them neatly side by side on the shoe rack.

She smiled. He had been mindful of taking his shoes off every day now. "I am not used to it, but I will if you want me to. It's probably a good thing to do anyway."

As he settled down, he would pick up the TV remote and, without looking at her, would say in his smooth baritone, "So how did you spend your day, anything interesting?"

Shaan Ahuja found himself bowing to tradition and agreeing to an arranged marriage to the beautiful Ruhi Sharma. He went through the motions but had no intention of carrying through on his vows. His last foray into matters of the heart with an American girl had left him scarred and unwilling to try again. Thoroughly disillusioned and disgruntled he wasted no time in making his intentions clear to Ruhi on their wedding night. But, he was completely unprepared for what his new wife had in mind.

From Rachelle Ayala author of Michal's window and Knowing Vera:
Ruhi is an independent, feisty, business school graduate who comes from a warm and loving family. Only problem. She is an only child and her parents want nothing more than to see her married. When the socially high-class and wealthy father of the groom brokers a match between Ruhi and his youngest son, Shaan, the stars seemed to line up and Ruhi is prepared for happily ever after.
Until... the groom drops a bomb on her wedding night. He won't sleep with her because he's in love with someone else! Scrreeeccch...
Maria's review:
Facing an arranged marriage, Ms. Rao’s characters give us a chance to explore ancient traditions against the backdrop of a modern society with a high divorce rate. We also get the chance to experience the cultural differences between two countries, men and women and the basic truth that all you need is love.
Risbee's review:
there was no shortage of emotion in this book. There was a little bit of everything. For every passage that made me want to smack somebody, there was one where I wanted to nod my head and say "see, you're doing it right". The swoony moments were swoony, and there was just enough humor to lighten moments at the exact right time. Thank you, Sunshine and that crazy bird of hers.
Jonel Boyko's review:
The writing in this novel was amazing, but don’t even get me started on the characters themselves. They were so real and easy to relate to that I couldn’t help but fall in love with them, both as individuals and as a couple. I found myself at one second thinking ‘If they’d just talk to each other’ and at the next thinking ‘but I’d so have done the same thing.’ This was a true comedy of errors with no easy way out of the corner they’ve backed themselves into.


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You saw The Exotic Tour... you got a taste for the beautiful culture and the romantic attraction of our spunky young characters... now we're reviewing it and posting a new excerpt at each stop! Read with us!

Simi K. Rao was born in India and has been living in the United States for several years. The inspiration for An Incurable Insanity came from what she has seen transpire among and within the immigrant community. Some of the experiences included are her own; some have been garnered from friends and casual conversations with acquaintances...

I am a physician–and to many I may appear serious and solitary. But once people get to know me better, they often think that I am frank, down to earth, with quite a quirky sense of humor. And that is what I bring to my writing—read and you shall see.

I was born in the dead center of India, but had the privilege of spending time both in the north and south. Therefore I have been able to sample and absorb to some extent the vastly diverse cultures and languages of both these regions (the very quality that imparts tremendous richness to our country’s heritage,) —a phenomenon perhaps not seen anywhere else in the world.

After immigrating to the United States in my early twenties and spending several years in this country, whenever I travel back to my homeland now, I find that I appreciate my roots a lot more. Still there is so much to see and learn, that a lifetime won’t suffice.

Tour-Wide Giveaway

1 Signed Print Copy + Swag Pack!  (US Only)
4 Signed Print Copies of An Incurable Insanity (US Only)
5 eCopies of An Incurable Insanity (International)

Enter to WIN at any of the tour stops!!  :-D

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