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Announcing the TOUR for The Valley of Decision by Shannon McDermott!

A themed book tour through Prism Book Tours.

Announcing the Book Tour for
The Valley of Decision
by Shannon McDermott

“A solid fantasy that wears its spirituality lightly yet effectively.” 
~Kirkus Reviews (read the entire review here)

This tour will focus on the characters and the story-book world found in The Valley of Decision. From the races that inhabit the world (Trow, Fays, hobgoblins, Men) to the different nations (Alamir, the Coldlands, the Dochraitay) to the places (the Northwood, the Black Mountains, Ataroth), there is a lot to explore!










Come and join in the journey! You can sign up for a review HERE.

Information for this tour:
* This book is in the Adult Fantasy genre, but does not contain any swearing or kissing, only mild violence.
* It will run June 16-29.
* Everyone on the tour will receive a copy of the prequel novella, The Sunrise Windows. See info on Goodreads or Amazon.
* Review copies will be available in ebook format (EPUB, PDF, Mobi) and emailed to reviewers.
* Posts will consist of reviews, guest posts, and interviews.
* There will, of course, be a Launch and a Grand Finale with highlights from and links to each tour stop. As with all our tours, those that share the Grand Finale will have their Twitter or Facebook added to the Rafflecopter.
* We will have a tour-wide giveaway.

The Valley of DecisionThe Valley of Decision
by Shannon McDermott
Adult Fantasy
Paperback, 416 pages
May 31st 2014 by SALT Christian Press

Where the Black Mountains pierce the sky, they divide the south from the north, Alamir from the kingdom of Belenus. Belenus, the undying master of the north, commanded Keiran – the Captain of the Hosts – to conquer Alamir. But the Captain is deep in conspiracy, and he has his own plans.

The Valley of Decision is a fantasy novel, a saga of slavery, freedom, and choices.

Shannon McDermott is a Christian author of speculative fiction, as well as a humorous detective series called "The Adventures of Christian Holmes". She has written both fantasy and science fiction, and has yet to decide on which one to like better.

She was born to Wisconsin, expatriates in California, grew up on the East Coast, and now lives in the Midwest. Her principal hobbies are politics, history, novels, and coffee.

Tour-Wide Giveaway

- INT Grand Prize: $25 Amazon gift card and ebooks of The Valley of Decision and The Sunrise Windows
- 2 print copies of The Valley of Decision (US only)

Prism Book Tours
Are you a blogger and want to receive information about new tours? Go HERE.
Are you an author or publisher and would like to have us organize a tour event? Go HERE.
Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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1 comment:

  1. It's an honor to promote one of our own bloggers, Shannon!! Thank you for touring with us!! :-D


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