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About Prism Book Tours

Welcome! We enjoy promoting books and the personality behind the pages. Our tours receive extra hands-on creative attention!

Laura is "The Swedish Chef" in the virtual book tour kitchen making each tour unique and loaded with marketing potential. She blogs at Colorimetry.

Tressa is the organized planner making sure everyone has everything they need on time. She blogs at Wishful Endings.

All content provided by you, the author, belongs to you. We share what you give us for promotional purposes only for the duration of the tour. 

Your review copies are shared carefully. Each of our reviewers agrees to read for the purpose of reviewing when they sign up. If their review will be less than 3 stars, we ask them to review later, off the tour, and give them a promotional guest post instead.

Since we devote so much of ourselves to our Tours, we make sure the book is a good fit:
YA Fiction genres (Like Fantasy!)
Christian Fiction (prefer Romance, Historical, and Fantasy)
NA Fiction genres (needs to be relatively clean in content)
Adult Romance genres (needs to be relatively clean in content)
You're welcome to view Laura’s more detailed preferences here and Tressa’s here.

Go ahead and view our Tour Options and other tour information in the drop-down menu and feel free to let us know if you have any questions via email.

Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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[name=Prism Book Tours] [img=] [description=We have years of book blogging and promotional tour experience. Our goal is to provide affordable options to authors and publishers for promoting their books, while also adding creative touring. We hope you enjoy working with us!] (facebook= (twitter= (instagram= (bloglovin= (pinterest=

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