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The Prism Tour

Coordinate with like-minded authors! Great for publicists and small publishers, great for Indie Authors and creative marketing, or really everyone! 

A Prism Tour is a multi-author or multi-book tour. It consists of each author or book being featured one day of the tour. 
 - Costs $30 per Author (per day) 
 - Must be three days minimum, so three different books/series or authors
 - Each post is shared by as many bloggers as want to participate, but at least ten
 - One, tour-wide, joint giveaway using Rafflecopter, every participating author contributes*.
 - Content provided by participating authors
 - Each Prism Tour includes a Grand Finale** shared by bloggers at the end of the tour like a big blitz

1 - Publishers & Publicists

Showcase your books and receive daily exposure!

YOU coordinate the authors/books you represent:  Each author contributes $30 to participate. Each can share related guest post content or excerpts for a cohesive tour. Each stop will have your publishing logo and links. Plus, we will add your social media on the Rafflecopter giveaway!

To coordinate a tour:  Email with Prism Tour in the subject line.

2 - Authors

Looking for an insanely great deal to promote your book? You can't beat $30!  

Bring two or more friends with you or highlight multiple books or series! You will provide the content for your day's post and something for a joint giveaway*.

*Joint Giveaway Ideas

 - Books! Print books (with mailing restrictions specified) and ebooks. - Gift Cards! Pitch in together for an Amazon, Etsy, Barnes & Noble gift card or Paypal Cash. Even $5 or $10 each will increase the buzz on social media to attract more attention.
 - Swag!  We book lovers trip over each other to collect book swag and signed stuff.
 - Creative Other Ideas, such as book boxes, prize packs, etc.

**Grand Finale Blitz

At the end of every tour, we create a post including direct links and quotes from every post on the tour and share the blitz (with the tour-wide giveaway) with multiple bloggers in html format to post with us. Every blogger who posts receives a Rafflecopter follow on the giveaway or enters a blogger giveaway in exchange for sharing.

Interested?  Start here or email Tressa:

Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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[name=Prism Book Tours] [img=] [description=We have years of book blogging and promotional tour experience. Our goal is to provide affordable options to authors and publishers for promoting their books, while also adding creative touring. We hope you enjoy working with us!] (facebook= (twitter= (instagram= (bloglovin= (pinterest=

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