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We're launching the Book Tour for HOPE IN EVERY RAINDROP by WESLEY BANKS!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

We're launching the Book Tour for:
Hope In Every Raindrop
By Wesley Banks

Best-selling author Katie Price struggles to find her next story until she happens upon America's rarest dog breed and the man that raises them.

Tour Schedule:
May 21st - Launch
May 24th - Writing Pearls
June 3rd - Grand Finale

More About Hope In Every Raindrop and Author Wesley Banks

What is your motivation behind Hope In Every Raindrop? Why did you want to write it? 

In 2009, my dog (and best friend) Pace, escaped from a boarding facility and was hit by a car. At the time I had been working on my first novel that involved the details about her rare breed. I stopped writing shortly after I lost her. A few years later I found the courage and inspiration to finish the story. 

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it? 

While the entire plot of Hope In Every Raindrop is fiction, the world of Carolina Dogs is based on my own experiences with the breed in Bishopville. I wanted to share this world with others, while at the same time conveying how precious life can be.

Do you have a favorite scene? 

There is a scene in the book where Kyle and Katie watch King run through the rain. I used to take Pace to a local baseball field and we'd race around the bases. It's hard to explain, but watching a dog run free is a very magical experience.

What is something about you that is unique - maybe about how/where you write? 

I actually have never told anybody this, but I do a lot my brainstorming at the movie theater. There's always a song playing in the background, or a line in the movie that will inspire a scene for me. I take notes on my phone and then write the scene as soon as I get home.

Hope In Every RaindropHope In Every Raindrop
by Wesley Banks
NA Contemporary
ebook, 202 pages
May 26th 2015

“Small towns have big stories.” That was a lesson Katie’s father taught her years ago. A lesson she’s taken to heart. And right now, Katie is desperate for a big story. Reeling from the recent loss of her father and with her agent breathing down her neck for the next book, the twenty-one-year-old writer picks a spot on the map and finds herself bound for a middle-of-nowhere town called Bishopville, South Carolina.

Taking a chance on the words of a local grocer, Katie stumbles upon a rare breed of dogs raised by the town doctor and his nephew Kyle. The only problem? Kyle isn’t interested in telling stories—especially not to a big-city girl who can’t seem to sit still. In an attempt to win him over as the clock winds down, Katie finds herself immersed in Kyle’s world, doing everything but writing.

When inspiration finally strikes, Katie is faced with an unforeseen catastrophe and a truth she can no longer ignore. While she has come to love the dogs, the real story may be about Kyle Walker.

wesley-bio-300x460Wesley Banks was born in 1983 and grew up on the west coast of Florida. He graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Civil Engineering. After spending over 7 years building movable bridges from Florida to Washington he decided to focus on his true passion: writing.

Wesley recently moved from Florida to Oregon to get back to the great outdoors that he’s love so much. He lives with my wife Lindsey, and his two dogs Linkin and Story. Most of his time these days is spent writing, with as much rock climbing, hiking, or skiing as they can fit in.

Wesley’s debut novel, “Hope In Every Raindrop,” is set to be released May of 2015.

Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon Gift Card
3 ebook copies of Hope In Every Raindrop
Open internationally
Ends June 8th

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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  1. I like the cover, it has a moody yet refreshing vibe.

  2. Enjoyed reading your interview, thank you!

  3. I love contemporaries like this! And that really is a beautiful cover. :)


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