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We're launching the Tour for TEVANON AND KENSIC: TURLOT by TYSON CLARKE!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Launch for
Tevanon and Kensic: Turlot
By Tyson Clarke

Come visit this fantastical land as bloggers share reviews and excerpts...

Tour Schedule
January 11th: Launch
January 12th: Christy's Cozy Corners
January 15th: Rockin' Book Reviews
January 17th: Colorimetry
January 18th: Singing Librarian Books
January 19th: Life as Leels
January 20th: deal sharing aunt
January 21st: Mel's Shelves
January 22nd: Teatime and Books
January 24th: Grand Finale

Interview With the Author

1. What is your motivation behind Tevanon and Kensic: Turlot? Why did you want to write it?

I wrote a short story about these characters when I was in college, back in 1995, and then converted it to a short (film) screenplay. Tevanon and Kensic were adults in those versions, but I always thought it would make a cool young adult adventure if the brothers were younger. And so, nearly twenty years later I rewrote it into a novel in that vision. I may be somewhat bias, but I think I was right; it does make for a cool young adult adventure!

2. What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

First, I want readers to enjoy the adventure. After that, I hope they can relate to and possibly learn something from the characters’ struggles.

3. Do you have a favorite scene?

I have many favorite scenes, but if I’m to pick just one, I’d say it’s when the brothers Tevanon and Kensic first meet Narah, the circumstances surrounding that meeting and the uncertainty of how their relationship will play out moving forward.

4. Share with us something about you that is unique?

I draw a lot when I’m writing, but nothing artistic. My drawings are more like technical specifications. As an example, I’ll draw a square that represents a room and then I label the lengths of the walls so that I know how much space the room offers. This allows me to determine how many characters will fit in a room and if certain movements are possible. While writing Tevanon and Kensic, I drew a variety of maps to determine distances between towns and cities. I wanted the travel times to be consistent and believable within the context of the story. In addition to maps of the world, I drew maps of some of the cities. My intent was to draw them as I described them, but I found that sometimes my descriptions weren’t quite accurate enough and I had to rewrite certain passages with changes to the physical world.

— Tyson

Tevanon and Kensic: TurlotTevanon and Kensic: Turlot
by Tyson Clarke
MG/YA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 304 pages
October 19th 2015

Upon the shores of the Laughley Sea, in the shadows of the jagged Northland Mountains and not so far south as the blistering Aronee Desert, there exists a land of lush forests and golden plains. This land is known as Lynsid, a once great nation that has suffered through more than a decade of demoralizing wars. The brothers Tevanon and Kensic were born to Lynsid like their parents and grandparents before them. They know no other life and have never been outside the borders of their homeland. Lynsid, however, is on the verge of collapse and rumors of a Vlagen invasion spur a mass migration. At first, the brothers have no intention of leaving their birthplace, but soon enough they have no choice and find themselves on the trail to a land called Turlot where their Great Uncle Welksley resides.

At just thirteen-years-old, Tevanon is already highly skilled in swordsmanship, and his nine-year-old brother Kensic is mentally gifted. These attributes are useful, but the journey to Turlot will test not only their brawn and brains, but also their faith and tactfulness. The brothers learn quickly the world is filled with endless adversity. Treachery is in plain sight, evil sorcery is silently stirring, and an immortal army is lying in wait! If the brothers wish to survive, they must be vigilant, they must be brave, and they must believe in themselves.

Tyson Clarke attended San Jose State University where he studied creative writing and film production. Post graduation, he found success as a technical writer then pursued other interests before rediscovering his passion for writing stories with encouragement from his wife and biggest fan.

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Tour Giveaway

$25 Amazon eGift Card (open internationally)
Print copy of Tevanon and Kensic: Turlot (US only)
ebook of Tevanon and Kensic: Turlot (open internationally)
Ends January 30th

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Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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  1. Enjoyed reading your interview, thank you!

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for dropping in on my book tour!


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