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We're launching the Book Tour for A FAMILY LIKE HANNAH'S by CAROL ROSS!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Launch for
A Family Like Hannah's
By Carol Ross

Come along with us to a ski resort during an Akaskan winter as two strong characters who begin at odds, may find family and love in each other...

Tour Schedule

Introduction to the Book

It’s wintertime in Rankins, so…

Let’s celebrate! I know, I know, you’ve had enough of winter, right? Those of you who live in the eastern half of the continent or some other snowy place have probably quit reading already. But on the off-chance that you’re still with me, let’s talk about it. I’ll start with my own confession: I don’t really like winter. Truth be known, I’m a bit of sunshine junkie. I don’t like to lay in the sun. I’m more of a hike on a sunny day, working outdoors, or hanging out by the water kind of girl. You know – a sun in the shade kind of person.

So after writing about every season that Alaska has to offer, I was nervous to set a book entirely during the winter. (Mountains Apart also took place in the winter, but the heroine in that book, Emily, certainly didn’t embrace it. She hated it. Of course, she didn’t like Rankins either when she first got there.) To me, winter is such a huge part of Alaska’s image. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to do it justice.

I thought about my own strategy for surviving winter. Escaping to Hawaii being cost prohibitive, I opt to get out and do something in spite of the weather. For me, this means bundling up and taking a hike, or, if I’m really lucky, skiing. Obviously, this isn’t something I can do every day, but it gives me something to look forward to during the often-dreary days of winter. It’s a way to face it, to embrace the cold and turn it into something fun. That’s when it hit me. That’s exactly what Alaskans do. They take the cold, the snow, the ice and the dark and use it to their advantage. And in some of the most incredibly creative ways (more about this in a future blog). That’s the route I opted for in A Family Like Hannah’s.

Hannah and Tate embrace the winter – she’s a skier and he’s a snowboarder. I tried to put them outdoors as much as I could – skiing, snowboarding, sledding, snowshoeing. There’s even a bonfire, and plenty of hot chocolate. And always, at the forefront of the story, is Snowy Sky Resort – the business whose future they are battling over.

A Family Like Hannah’s is my version of an Alaskan winter - and more specifically - a wintertime in Rankins. On each stop of the tour, I’ve tried to infuse some of this enduring and inspiring winter spirit Alaskans seem to so easily embrace. Hope you enjoy!

— Carol

A Family Like Hannah'sA Family Like Hannah's
(Seasons of Alaska #4)
by Carol Ross
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 pages
February 1st 2016 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Starting over is serious business

With her professional skiing career cut short by an accident, Hannah James is putting all her energy into transforming Snowy Sky Resort into something special. There's only one obstacle. Famous pro-snowboarder-turned-consultant Tate Addison has his own ideas about taking the Rankins, Alaska, lodge to the next level. But Hannah won't compromise her dreams. She gets that Tate is trying to create a stable home for his orphaned six-year-old nephew—a boy Hannah already adores. And if she isn't careful, she could also fall for the boy's too-attractive uncle. Is she risking heartbreak? Or do she and Tate really want the same things out of life?

The Other Books in the Series

Mountains ApartA Case for ForgivenessIf Not for a Bee

Carol Ross is the author of three books for the Seasons of Alaska series for the Harlequin Heartwarming line. She lives with her husband and one loveable miscreant of a dachshund in a small town in Washington close to both the ocean and the mountains. For a complete list of her books, giveaways, and other fun stuff stop by and visit her new website:

Tour Giveaway

$50 Amazon eGift Card and an ebook of A Family Like Hannah's (open internationally)
Rankins' Alaska Prize Pack: signed copy of A Family Like Hannah’s, an infinity scarf, gray fluffy mittens, a tin of Starbucks hot chocolate, a coffee mug, and a sterling silver snowflake necklace. (US only)
Copy of A Family Like Hannah's (print if in the US, ebook if outside the US)
Ends February 26th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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  1. I love to read the Harlequin Heartwarming books. They always leave me with a smile when I finish them.

    1. Thanks so much, Linda! I'll admit to feeling the same way when I read Heartwarming books by my fellow authors. Can't believe I'm part of a such an amazing group - sometimes I feel like pinching myself (:

  2. This looks like a really good story. I would love to read and review this book!

    1. Thank you, Sonja! I hope you get a chance to read it. It was so much fun for me to write!

  3. Congratulations on your newest release, Carol. I know I'll love it!

    Best wishes to everyone entering the giveaway. Those are terrific prizes.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. Thank you so much, Kate! Your support means the world to me. And yes, good luck, everyone! I had a lot of fun putting that prize package together (:

  4. I love family stories and this cover drew me in right away. I've spent two summrs in Alaska and went back to visit as an adult, so this state has a special place in my heart. I can't wait to read this book!!!

    1. Danielle, lucky you getting to spend two summers in Alaska! I really hope you enjoy it and that it manages to "take you there" again.

  5. I love the cover as it immediately brings to mind a family and good times together. I have never been to Alaska but I worked for a man that had lived there and he and his wife loved it. Thanks for the giveaway. Reading this book is something to look forward to.

    1. Thank you, Stella! I'm so glad you like the cover. Harlequin really has a knack for capturing the spirit of a story with the cover. Hope you enjoy the story, too. Good Luck in the giveaway!

  6. It's a beautiful cover and the synopsis makes it seem like I'm going to settle in for a cozy read after being out in the snow all day. We had practically no winter in Texas this year, I envy y'all the snow.

  7. The book sounds very interesting, looking forward to reading it!

  8. The book sounds very interesting, looking forward to reading it!


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