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#Excerpt for TRIX AND THE FAERIE QUEEN by ALETHEA KONTIS, which Starts Chapter One...

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

We're sharing the beginning of chapter one.
You can go from here to the other stops in order to read the entire chapter. Enjoy!


Chapter 1: The Emissary (Part 1)

“Watch this!” Trix leapt off the branch and flew above the forest floor.
The sparrows would not have called it flying. Squirrels, on the other hand, knew exactly what he meant. Trix stretched out a hand and caught the vine he’d been aiming for. He wrapped his elbow around it and prayed it was sturdy enough to catch his weight.
It was.
With a holler, Trix let the vine carry him into a high arc. He turned a quick somersault in the air, but instead of straightening out for a clean dive, he kept his body pulled into as tight a ball as he could manage. Lizinia’s shrieks of joy as he hit the water made him smile.
Once below the dappled surface he stretched out in the water, kicking toward shore. A school of minnows scurried through his hair and a medium-sized trout brushed silkily against his belly. This inlet was warm compared to the cool of the night. The last time he’d been swimming he hadn’t needed to breathe air. But that had been a wish, granted and run its course.
Lizinia jumped up and down as he resurfaced. Her gleeful clapping clanked like an enthusiastic cowbell as her gilded palms met again and again.
“Thank you, thank you,” he said with great condescension. “That is, without doubt, the largest splash I have ever made in my life.” Thanks to Papa Gatto’s enchantment, he now possessed the taller, heavier body of a young human man and not the lithe scrawniness of a fey boy the same age.
“My turn!” cried the golden girl.
“You don’t think the water will—?” But it was too late. Lizinia had already leapt from her spot on the bank, clothes and all. There was little grace to her entrance, but her splash was epic. Trix gave a proud shriek of his own, blinking salty droplets out of his eyes as his body bobbed up and down in her wake.
He commended himself on discovering this choice spot. He’d just been thinking that they needed a respite after their long day of walking eastward, away from Rose Abbey, along the Impossible Ocean’s edge to the legendary home of the King of Eagles. As if he’d been granted another wish, that respite had appeared. Thanks to the magical seawater his angry sister had conjured, what had once been a sheer cliff face now made a magnificently deep swimming hole.
A hole from which Lizinia had still not risen.
A hole into which that girl, entirely covered in gold, had just jumped.
Most people with common sense would have remembered that gold did not float. Trix Woodcutter rarely qualified as “most people.”
“Trixie, you are a prize idiot,” he said to himself, because neither Peter nor Saturday were there to say it for him. He took a deep breath and dove hard.
The trout, sensing his distress, joined him. The fish swam at his sides, so that he did not have to worry about injuring any of them with his furious kicking. The further they descended, the darker the water became. Trix was wondering how he might find his companion without sight when a bright light burst out from the crescent-shaped bone that hung from a thong around his neck: Wisdom’s tooth. A tiny glint reflected back from the shadows. Trix kicked faster in that direction. 
Where some might have panicked at such a predicament, Lizinia had simply begun climbing the cliff face. This was one of the things Trix loved most about Lizinia: she was just as happy an adventurer as he.

Trix and the Faerie Queen (Books of Arilland Book #6)
Trix and the Faerie Queen
(Books of Arriland #6)
by Alethea Kontis
YA Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 210 Pages
March 28th 2016

Join Trix Woodcutter on an epic new animal-filled adventure!

Fey magic and animal magic: that troublemaking imp Trix Woodcutter has both, if not the ability to use them to their full potential. While traveling with his companion—the golden girl Lizinia—to see the King of Eagles, Trix is sent a vision of the Faerie Queen, who is in desperate need of his help. An evil sorceress has stormed Faerie and trapped all the fey magic under the Hill, leaving the Faerie Queen powerless! Trix’s talent for communicating with animals is desperately needed…but before he braves the wild world of Faerie he must arm himself, with nothing less than the bow and arrows of a god.

With the help of his gilded companion, her ghost-cat godfather, a blind brownie and a sister or two, the Boy Who Talks to Animals must befriend a mischievous leprechaun, best a wolf, and journey into the depths of Faerie to restore order and free the fey magic before the imbalance destroys the world.

Trix and the Faerie Queen is second in The Trix Adventures and sixth in the Books of Arilland.

Fans of the Woodcutter Sisters: Desperate to know what happened to Saturday and Peregrine after they found Trix at the end of HERO? Here’s your chance!

Other Books in the Series

Hero (Woodcutter Sisters #2)
Trixter (Books of Arilland #3)Dearest (Woodcutter Sisters, #3)Tales of Arilland (Books of Arilland #5)

Alethea Kontis is a princess, author, fairy godmother, and geek. Her bestselling Books of Arilland fairytale series won two Gelett Burgess Children’s Book Awards (Enchanted and Tales of Arilland), and was twice nominated for the Andre Norton Award. Alethea also penned the AlphaOops picture books, The Wonderland Alphabet, Diary of a Mad Scientist Garden Gnome, Beauty & Dynamite, The Dark-Hunter Companion (w/Sherrilyn Kenyon), and a myriad of poems, essays, and short stories. Princess Alethea lives and writes on the Space Coast of Florida with her teddy bear, Charlie. You can find her on her YouTube channel, all the social media, and at

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

3 copies of Trixter and Trix and the Faerie Queen (signed copies if US, ebooks if INT)
Ends April 15th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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