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We're launching the Book Tour for THE SECRET HE KEEPS by JULIEANN DOVE!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours.

Book Tour Launch for
The Secret He Keeps
By Julieann Dove

Dane has loved Rachel for years and is hoping that one day she will figure that out.
Come along with us and find out more about their story...

Tour Schedule

December 8th: Linda's Book Bag & Bottles & Books Reviews
December 9th: Kindle and Me
December 11th: Becky on Books & The Silver Dagger Scriptorium
December 12th: Nicole's Book Musings
December 13th: Book Lover in Florida & underneath the covers
December 14th: Grand Finale

Note from the Author

Welcome readers, it’s so great for you to join in on the fun!

I am especially excited for this book release because it was the very first book I composed when I took to the leap to becoming an author. The original idea has been tossed and turned and eventually manifested into something completely different from where it began. The characters never changed, but the plot certainly did. I feel as though I took an eight foot, fifty-pound mass of clay and sculpted it down to four feet, ten pounds. It was a great journey, though! By the end, I knew each of my characters as if they were residents in my own house. (Rachel is a bit lazy, and Dane is extremely sexy!)

— Julieann

The Secret He KeepsThe Secret he Keeps
by Julieann Dove
Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 276 pages
December 8th 2016

Dr. Rachel Miller has no recollection of what happened that night she climbed in the car with her husband and he drove recklessly into a tree. She has no clue as to why she survived and he didn’t. Nor does she understand why strangers are coming up to her on the street and telling her things she can’t recall about a life that seems so long ago. But Dane Stone knows.

Dane Stone is Rachel’s business partner...and her deceased husband’s best friend. He knows about the notes, the hotel receipt, and the reason she got in the car that night. It’s for her protection that he keeps the secret, but inside he’s dying to tell her.

Julieann Dove lives in Virginia, yet longs to live everywhere else. It doesn’t come as a surprise that along with her gypsy soul, comes an active imagination. That’s why she loves to write and invent worlds and people, so that she can formulate their happily ever after. Hobbies include cooking new recipes, sewing, and spending time with her cute boyfriend/husband and five fabulous children. Vacations happen in Nantucket or the Carolina beaches—anywhere there is inspiration for her next book. One day she hopes to travel to Italy, drive one of those little cars around the countryside, and speak the language fluently!

Other Books by the Author

Waking Amy (Amy, #1) Leaving Amy (Amy, #2) Finding Amy (Amy, #3) A Reason to Stay

Tour Giveaway

- 1 winner will receive a signed copy of Waking Amy (US only)
- 1 winner will receive an ebook of Waking Amy (open internationally)
- Ends December 18th

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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