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We're launching the Book Tour for BONESEEKER by BRYNN CHAPMAN!

On tour with Prism Book Tours

We're launching the Book Tour for
by Brynn Chapman

The BONESEEKER CHRONICLES is a four book series, following the life, love and misadventures of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson’s children. Without further ado….

(The Boneseeker Chronicles #1)
by Brynn Chapman
Romantic Suspense
Paperback & ebook, 213 pages
January 10th 2018 by The Wild Rose Press, Inc

Aspiring scientist Arabella Holmes doesn't fit the role of a 1900s lady. Her father, Sherlock, landed her a position at the Mütter Museum to pursue her dream of becoming a purveyor of abnormal science, or what her father calls a "Boneseeker."

Henry Watson’s two-fold mission at the Mütter Museum is to join their team of forensic anthropologists in unearthing unusual antiquities and to watch over Arabella. If only he could get her to speak to him, instead of hurling knives in his general direction. Assigned to a most secret expedition to investigate a mysterious skeletal hand discovered in upstate New York, Arabella and Henry are soon caught in a scientific debate, and the search for the truth may have deadly consequences for those involved.

Are the bones from a Neanderthal? Or are they living proof of fallen angels known as Nephilim?

Watson and Holmes must put aside their differences, trust their instincts, and rely on one another to survive to uncover the truth.

*This is a new version of a previously published edition

Praise for BONESEEKER:

Winner of the New Jersey Romance Writers Golden Leaf Contest

"Creative, meticulously researched, and terrific fun!"  ~Grace Burrowes, NY Times Best Selling Author

"The characters, the setting, the descriptions and the mysteries and relationships all work together seamlessly to create a truly wonderful story that I completely adored." ~Best Books Ever Blog

"The settings are intriguing and the way they are described make you feel as if you are immersed in the story. I could feel the gloom and damp. That is rare in so many books! Boneseeker is a book I highly recommend, and I give it 5 stars!" ~Christy's Cozy Corners Blog

Note from the Author

BONESEEKER, is book one of the four book series, chronicling the adventures and love story of Arabella Holmes and Henry Watson.

My father was a history teacher, and throughout my childhood, dragged me across the United States, showing me historical this, historical that. Well....I just hated it. Till I didn't. As an adult I entered science as a profession, and somewhere along the way, after dissecting cadavers and exploring asylums, my own history obsession was born--albeit the weird science version.

All my books plop my characters into real, strange anomalies and events that happened once upon a time. Bella appeared in my imagination fully formed, and Henry wasn't long to follow her. As is his way...

I hope you enjoy reading it, and spending time in their company as much as I do.

— Brynn

P. S. I have read the entire Holmes canon...but they are in love. So as much as I force them into horrible situations--they always find a way out. Together.

P. P. S. Be sure to watch for Promo videos from Brynn’s PR guy—pictured below. Here’s a sample of the insanity on Facebook.

Tour Schedule

About the Author

Born and raised in western Pennsylvania, Brynn Chapman is the daughter of two teachers. Her writing reflects her passions: science, history and love--not necessarily in that order. In real life, the geek gene runs strong in her family, as does the Asperger's syndrome. Her writing reflects her experience as a pediatric therapist and her interactions with society's downtrodden. In fiction, she's a strong believer in underdogs and happily-ever-afters. Her ancestry tree claims she's a descendant of the House of Stuart.

Other Books by the Author

The Requiem Red

Tour Giveaway

GIVEAWAY #1: To enter to win a BONESEEKER audiobook and the pictured charm necklace ("And though she be but little, she is fierce." - Shakespeare), send a copy of your kindle purchase of BONESEEKER to US only.

GIVEAWAY #2: To enter to win a BONESEEKER ebook and a $10 Amazon Gift Card, enter via the Rafflecopter below. Open internationally. Ends January 24th.

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Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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