On Tour with Prism Book Tours
Book Tour Launch for
Nice to Come Home To
By Liz Flaherty
Note from the Author
Thank you so much for joining me on the debut ride for Nice To Come Home To. It’s the third book in a mini-series from Lake Miniagua, and Cass and Luke’s story was such a satisfying one to tell. I have to admit I got a little selfish in the writing of it. Luke’s fingers on the keyboard of his guitar were actually my husband’s fingers. Cass writing in the coffee shop was me—or any one of many writer friends. Keep Cold Orchard is a lot like McClure’s, ten miles or so across the cornfields from me. My grandsons work there and it is a good place to find music and joy and sweet, fresh apples. They have a café but not a coffee shop like Ground in the Round. Hmmm…
I hope you enjoy the trip with me this week. There will be giveaways, excerpts, some blog posts where I hope you join in the conversations, and…did I mention giveaways?
— Liz
By Liz Flaherty
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
August 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming
Keep love at bay?
For Cass Gentry, coming home to Lake Miniagua, teenage half sister in tow, is bittersweet. But her half of the orchard she inherited awaits, and so does a fresh face—Luke Rossiter, her new business partner. Even though they butt heads in business, they share one key piece of common ground: refusing to ever fall in love again. But as their lives get bigger, that stance doesn’t feel like enough…
Tour Schedule
August 6th:
Nicole's Book Musings
Declarations of a Fangirl
Reading is my SuperPower
Hearts and Scribbles
August 7th:
Among the Reads
Inside the Mind of an Avid Reader
August 8th:
E-Romance News
Splashes of Joy
Book Lover in Florida
Britt Reads Fiction
Handcrafted Reviews
August 9th:
Book by Book
Becky on Books
Thoughts of a Blond
My Life, Loves and Passion
August 10th:
Rockin' Book Reviews
My Devotional Thoughts
It's All About the Romance
underneath the covers
August 11th:
Grand Finale
Nicole's Book Musings
Declarations of a Fangirl
Reading is my SuperPower
Hearts and Scribbles
August 7th:
Among the Reads
Inside the Mind of an Avid Reader
August 8th:
E-Romance News
Splashes of Joy
Book Lover in Florida
Britt Reads Fiction
Handcrafted Reviews
August 9th:
Book by Book
Becky on Books
Thoughts of a Blond
My Life, Loves and Passion
August 10th:
Rockin' Book Reviews
My Devotional Thoughts
It's All About the Romance
underneath the covers
August 11th:
Grand Finale

About the Author

Liz Flaherty was a little nervous about retiring from her day job, but making quilts, more family time, traveling at the mere mention of “why don’t we go...” and becoming a Harlequin Heartwarming author have made the past years more fun and exciting than she could ever have imagined.
Tour Giveaway

5 PRIZE PACK WINNERS WILL RECEIVE: a backlist book, dish towel, magnet, and notepad (picture includes an example - not a complete prize)
US only
Ends August 15th

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