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We're launching the Book Tour for A COWBOY'S CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL by Cathy McDavid!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Launch for
A Cowboy's Christmas Proposal
By Cathy McDavid

Note from the Author

I’m so thrilled it’s finally here — my first Harlequin Heartwarming! After thirty books for Harlequin Western, I made the move to Heartwarming when my line closed last year, and I couldn’t be happier. To celebrate the release of A COWBOY’S CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL, I have all kinds of exciting things planned, including a blog tour, fun interaction, and a great giveaway.

A COWBOY’S CHRISTMAS PROPOSAL is book one in my new series, The Sweetheart Ranch — a western-themed wedding venue and bed and breakfast run by the O’Malley family. I’ve been having a great time writing this series, nothing beats cowboys and weddings and kids and Christmas. Stick with me on this blog tour. You’ll not only learn wedding trivia and how I came up with the idea for this series, you’ll get to learn a little bit more about me!


A Cowboy's Christmas Proposal
(The Sweetheart Ranch #1)
By Cathy McDavid
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
November 1st 2018 by Harlequin Heartwarming

At a magical time of year…

Can a cowboy help falling in love?

For single dad Owen Caufield, living and working at Sweetheart Ranch for a month is the perfect change of pace. While the cowboy turned wedding officiant can now spend more time with his children, Molly O’Malley, his new boss, is less thrilled. A wedding ranch isn’t the best place for three rambunctious youngsters. But amid the chaos—and the coming holidays—it may be the best place to fall in love…

Tour Schedule

November 7th:
It's All About the Romance
Hearts & Scribbles
Candrel's Crafts, Cook, & Characters
November 8th:
My Devotional Thoughts
November 9th:
Andi's Book Reviews
underneath the covers
November 12th:
Wishful Endings
E-Romance News
November 13th:
Christy's Cozy Corners
November 14th:
Jorie Loves A Story
Nicole's Book Musings
November 15th:
Thoughts of a Blonde
Splashes of Joy
Rockin' Book Reviews
November 16th:
I Am A Reader
Book by Book
Inside the Mind of an Avid Reader
November 19th:
Book Lover in Florida
Britt Reads Fiction
November 20th:
Heidi Reads...
Reading Is My SuperPower
November 21st:
Grand Finale

About the Author

In the third grade, NY Times and USA Today bestselling author Cathy McDavid made it her goal to read every Black Stallion book ever written. Who knew such an illustrious ambition would eventually lead to a lifelong love of all things western and a career writing contemporary romances for Harlequin? With over 1.2 million books sold, Cathy is also a member of the prestigious Romance Writers of America’s Honor Roll.

An “almost” Arizona native, she’s married to her own real-life sweetheart, whom she re-met a few years ago at a high school reunion. Her grown twins are out on their own and finding their happily-ever-afters. In 2014, Cathy retired from the corporate world to write full-time. She now spends her days penning stories about good looking cowboys riding the range, busting a bronc, and sweeping gals off their feet. It a tough job, but she’s willing to make the sacrifice.

Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive their choice of two previously published Christmas stories by Cathy McDavid (print or ebook, winner's choice), a small gift bag of promo bling, a holiday ornament, and a $10 Amazon Gift Card
US only
Ends November 23, 2018

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