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We're launching the Book Tour for PAJAMA PARTY: THE STORY by E. C. Jackson!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Launch for
Pajama Party: The Story
By E. C. Jackson

Note from the Author

Food, Fun and Pillow Fights! Welcome to the book tour for my first YA book.

Pajama Party: The Story is the companion book to A Living Hope. The main character of A Living Hope, Sadie Cummings, wrote this book for the girls of Shiatown. After the book was published, she quickly adapted the story into a play. In Sadie’s story, she fought for a chance to restore broken dreams and dealt with the reality of missed chances and bad decisions. Interaction with the nine girls in the drama provided insight into her own teen and college years.

Each girl held solid convictions about herself. Strong personalities prevailed within the group at large. During rehearsals, Sadie observed them through times of happiness and when they were hurting. However, her opinions about their character fluctuated on any given day. One fact never changed: Individuals who appeared to be followers were selective in who they followed. It seemed they never followed anyone to places they had no wish to go or engaged in events they had no wish to join.

But why? Their motivations highlight the story.

Pajama Party is adapted from a play I wrote many years ago. I hope you enjoy the peek inside the lives of nine girls who stole my heart. My prayer is that they steal your heart as well.

— E. C.

Pajama Party: The Story
By E. C. Jackson
YA Christian Contemporary
Paperback & ebook, 213 Pages
August 26th 2017 by E. C. Jackson

Most sleepovers are simple. Food, fun, and pillow fights. But sixteen-year-old Karen Duncan has bigger plans for her slumber party. Family troubles have changed her over the past year, and she’s no longer the petty, selfish girl she used to be. Now she’s ready to shake things up with her friends. The guest list comes as a surprise to some and a slap in the face to others. This popular girl has invited some not-so-popular guests. Even more shocking, she’s left out some of the girls she’s hung out with since middle school.

Diane and Evette are outsiders, nervous about being stuck in a house with the same girls who tease them at school. Kathy, Lisa, and Joann come to the party with the confidence of the in-crowd, but they’re masking inner-turmoil that is bound to surface. Sandy and Angela are usually the voices of reason…usually. And then there’s Linda, the friend that got away. She may not ever forgive the girls who abandoned her years ago. Karen hopes to change her mind.

Her agenda is ambitious, and it could spell disaster. But Karen is convinced God will use this party to spark a new beginning for everyone involved. This companion book to A Living Hope gives us the inspired story Sadie Cummings wrote for the girls of Shiatown.

Tour Schedule

February 25th:
My Devotional Thoughts
February 26th:
Brooke Blogs
February 27th:
Stacking My Book Shelves!
Splashes of Joy
February 28th:
Hearts & Scribbles
Locks, Hooks and Books
March 1st:
Teatime and Books
Tell Tale Book Reviews
March 2nd:
Grand Finale

About the Author

E. C. Jackson began her writing career with the full-length play Pajama Party. For three and a half years she published the Confidence in Life newsletter for Alpha Production Ministries, in addition to writing tracts and devotionals. Teaching a women’s Bible study at her church for eleven years naturally led to her current endeavor of writing inspirational romance novels and teen and young adult fiction. Her mission: spiritual maturity in the body of Christ through fiction.

A note from E. C. Jackson: “The Write Way: A Real Slice of Life” is the slogan on my website and Facebook author page. If every person reading my book feels connected to the characters, my job is done.

Tour Giveaway

One 1st Prize winner will receive:
- A Living Hope Paperback (the companion book to Pajama Party: The Story)
- 1 Key chain for Pajama Party: The Story
- 1 Key chain for A Living Hope

One 2nd Prize winner will receive:
- A $25 Amazon eGift Card

Open internationally
Ends March 6, 2019

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