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We're launching the Book Tour for SOJOURNER by Janalyn Voigt!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Launch for
By Janalyn Voigt

Note from the Author

Thanks for participating in the book tour for Sojourner, Tales of Faeraven book three. Did you miss the first two books in this medieval epic fantasy series? Catch up with tour summaries for DawnSinger and Wayfarer. Each of the Tales of Faeraven novels can stand alone, although reading them all provides a fuller experience. Sojourner tells the story I first envisioned, but I had trouble finding a starting place. I kept backing up in the story until it became clear that I needed to write an entire book to relay the background of SojournerDawnSinger, became book one in the series.

I plotted three books for the Tales of Faeraven trilogy. My characters had plans of their own. In Wayfarer, the high king of Faeraven turned aside into the Vale of Shadows—an alarming place of which I’d been blissfully unaware. Mara, the heroine of Sojourner, proved her determination to find the truth by lengthening her quest. It takes faith to let a story tell itself. I followed Elcon into the shadows and let Mara’s journey lengthen. The trilogy became a four-novel series. (DawnKing, book four, releases in January.)

Mara is one of my favorite characters in Tales of Faeraven. Her keen mind and strength of will serve her in good stead. She doesn’t always make the best choices but eventually learns from her mistakes. In that respect, I’d like to take a leaf from her book.


(Tales of Faeraven #3)
By Janalyn Voigt
Fantasy, Christian Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 322 Pages
November 1st 2019 by Pelican Book Group

Mara didn't know her parents were living a lie.

After learning a secret that causes Mara to question her heritage, she runs to Torindan, the High Hold of Faeraven, to seek the truth. What the innkeeper’s daughter doesn't know is that Rand, the mysterious tracker she’s hired to guide her through the wilderness, has been sent on an errand that puts her life at risk.

Helping Mara furthers Rand's purposes, but he doesn't count on his emotions interfering.

With Faeraven on the brink of war, Rand is faced with a life-altering choice, Mara is torn between escape and learning the truth, and the future hangs in the balance.

Will Mara be heir to the Faeraven throne? Can Rand escape the terrors of the dungeon?

As Torindan and Pilaer prepare for battle, anything can happen.

(Affiliate link included.)

Tour Schedule

October 14th:
Daughter of Increase
Heidi Reads...
October 15th:
Adventures Thru Wonderland
October 16th:
Paulette's Papers
Paper Ink & Lizard
El Rincon de Joss
October 17th:
Jorie Loves A Story
Splashes of Joy
Uplifting Reads
October 18th:
J. L. Mbewe
October 21st:
Romances of the Cross
Hearts & Scribbles
October 22nd:
Bookworm Lisa
That Georgia Gypsy
October 23rd:
Jessica Belmont
October 24th:
Wishful Endings
Pause for Tales
Reading On The Edge
October 25th:
Library Lady's Kid Lit
Tell Tale Book Reviews
October 26th:
Grand Finale

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

Janalyn Voigt is a writer and professional speaker with a photography habit and a passion for travel. Her unique blend of adventure, romance, suspense, and fantasy creates worlds of beauty and danger for readers. Tales of Faeraven, her epic fantasy series beginning with DawnSinger, carries readers into a land only imagined in dreams. She is represented by Sarah Joy Freese of Wordserve Literary.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive  a Tales of Faeraven bookmark and choice of ONE of the following items (US only):
Ends October 30th, 2019

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Grab Our Button!

Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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