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We're launching the Book Tour for THE FIFTH AVENUE STORY SOCIETY by Rachel Hauck! #StorySocTour

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Author Interview

What was your motivation behind THE FIFTH AVENUE STORY SOCIETY? Why did you want to write it?

The idea came after I spoke to a local writers group. One of the leaders mentioned their "story circles" and an idea was born. The Story Circle was the original title and had seven characters instead of five. But from the beginning it was about a group of strangers discovering who they were as they told their stories. The idea hit me so profoundly I went home from the meeting and wrote a synopsis in minutes and fired it off to my agent. He wrote back, "Love it!" The story felt right. I could "see" it so I knew I had to write it.

What do you hope readers take with them after they’ve read it?

That God knows your story. We all have ups and downs in our lives but God, the great author of our faith and lives, is working things together for our good. The five protagonists have a happy ending. Not always the one they wanted or expected but one designed by their Creator. Also, that we need each other. Our stories are not complete without friends and family, even strangers, in our lives.

If you could sum the book up in one sentence, what would you say?

"You are never without hope."

Share something about you that is unique - maybe about how/where you write... or favorite snack foods?

I have a two story "tower" or turret built by an artist friend of ours who moved away about a year after he built it. He and his family all but gifted the house to my husband and I, and I moved into this amazing office space. From my second story windows, all I see is trees. I use this room only to write. It's my work space. I try not to eat in here or watch movies. It's reserved for creative work space. I work mostly in the afternoons. Mornings are for prayer, exercise, errands. I usually finish the day in the late afternoon while fast drafting and into the evening while rewriting and editing. My favorite snack food, which I don't have often, is chips!

The Fifth Avenue Story Society
By Rachel Hauck
Christian Contemporary Romance
Hardcover, Paperback, Audiobook & ebook, 400 Pages
February 4th 2020 by Thomas Nelson

An invitation to join The Fifth Avenue Story Society gives five New York strangers a chance to rewrite their own stories.

Executive assistant Lexa is eager for a much-deserved promotion, but her boss is determined to keep her underemployed.

Literature professor Jett is dealing with a broken heart, as well as a nagging suspicion his literary idol, Gordon Phipps Roth, might be a fraud.

Uber driver Chuck just wants a second chance with his kids.

Aging widower Ed is eager to write the true story of his incredible marriage.

Coral, queen of the cosmetics industry, has broken her engagement and is on the verge of losing her great grandmother’s multimillion-dollar empire.

When all five New Yorkers receive an anonymous, mysterious invitation to the Fifth Avenue Story Society, they suspect they’re victims of a practical joke. No one knows who sent the invitations or why. No one has heard of the literary society. And no one is prepared to reveal their deepest secrets to a roomful of strangers.

Yet curiosity and loneliness bring them back week after week to the old library. And it’s there they discover the stories of their hearts, and the kind of friendship and love that heals their souls.

Praise for the Book

"Hauck inspires and uplifts with this mix of tales." - Publishers Weekly

(Affiliate links included.)

Tour Schedule

February 3rd:
Hearts & Scribbles
February 4th:
Cover Lover Book Review
Heidi Reads...
February 5th:
Rockin' Book Reviews
Wishful Endings
February 6th:
Two Points of Interest
February 7th:
The Power of Words
Adventures of a Travelers Wife
February 10th:
Jorie Loves A Story
Savings in Seconds
February 11th:
Peaceful Pastime
Christian Chick's Thoughts
February 12th:
Paper Ink & Lizard
Splashes of Joy
February 13th:
Edits and Reviews by Leslie
Christy's Cozy Corners
February 14th:
Red Headed Book Lady
Reading Excursions
February 15th:
Grand Finale

Bookstagram Tour

Check out the Bookstagram Tour here, which has its own giveaway!

February 10th:
February 11th:
February 12th:
February 13th:
February 14th:

About the Author

Rachel Hauck is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA TODAY bestselling author of The Wedding Dress, which was also named Inspirational Novel of the Year by Romantic Times and was a RITA finalist. Rachel lives in central Florida with her husband and pet and writes from her ivory tower.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a print copy of The Wedding Dress (US only)
Ends February 19, 2020

Grab Our Button!

Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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