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We're launching the Book Tour for FORMULA FOR A PERFECT LIFE by Christy Hayes! #FPLPrism

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Author Interview

What inspired you to write FORMULA FOR A PERFECT LIFE? 

I wanted to write Kayla’s story (and the whole series) for college-age kids trying to live a Christian life in a secular world and specifically a secular university. I have college-age kids—both strong Christians—both attend secular universities—and the challenge at their age to balance their faith and worldview in a place where sin is rampant is very real. I worry about young adults who don’t know Jesus and who struggle with sin and forgiveness and self-worth.

What challenged you most about writing this story? 

The biggest struggle when writing Formula for a Perfect Life was balancing the reality of an out of wedlock pregnancy with the happy-ever-after element of a romance. I didn’t want to dumb-down the challenges of an unplanned pregnancy by glossing over the very real consequences. I wanted Kayla to have her happy-ever-after (the very essence of a romance), but she needed to realistically deal with the fears, doubts, and unknowns of an unmarried, pregnant young adult.

Which character do you most relate to and why?

At my age, I most relate to Kayla’s mother. Our kids will make us proud and humble us as they navigate through life’s challenges. I always tell people if I want to take credit for their greatest accomplishments, I must also take credit for their biggest mistakes. The truth is, as parents, we do the best we can, pray daily, and send them off into the world to find their path. My role is to be there for them and to help them seek God if and when they struggle.

What do you hope readers will take with them after they’ve read it? 

I hope readers realize that sometimes our biggest mistakes can be our biggest blessings. I want readers to know that God is with us in the best of times and the worst of times. It’s not our mistakes or accomplishments that define us but how we handle ourselves during life’s peaks and valleys.

If you could sum the book up in one sentence, what would you say? 

Formula for a Perfect Life is a story of two young adults’ journey through an unplanned pregnancy where falling in love might be the biggest surprise of all.

What is something about you that is unique - maybe about how/where you write... or favorite snack foods or hobby?

I have a shelf on my exercise bike and do my best writing while exercising. When the endorphins are flowing, the words and ideas flow in a way they usually don’t while I’m sitting at a desk—and time flies when I’m not staring at the clock waiting for my workout to end.

Formula for a Perfect Life
By Christy Hayes
Christian New Adult Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 323 Pages
March 30th 2020

Two practical strangers. One fateful night. Two pink lines.

College senior and obsessive romantic Kayla Cummings' dreams of a storybook life are spun off course by an unplanned pregnancy after a one-night stand with her secret crush. Devastated, Kayla turns to her roommates and best friends for advice. No matter what she decides, no matter how deeply embarrassed, she has to tell the father.

Ben Strickland’s future is written in stone—as long as he gets a decent score on the Law School Admission Test. Feeling pressure from all sides, Ben struggles to juggle his upcoming finals, another shot at the LSAT, and his needy girlfriend Darcy. When the girl he spent a memorable night with weeks ago shows up at his doorstep pregnant, his already chaotic life spins out of control.

With the clock ticking, decisions to make, and a boatload of people to disappoint, Ben and Kayla embark on a journey neither anticipated—a journey where falling in love might be the biggest surprise of all. But when old hurts and buried secrets pose a greater threat to their future than impending parenthood, will Ben and Kayla go their separate ways or forge a new path to happy ever after?

(Affiliate link included.)

Tour Schedule

March 30th:
Simply Kelina
Beauty in the Binding
March 31st:
Uplifting Reads
Christy's Cozy Corners
Books with Bethany
Britt Reads Fiction
April 1st:
Savings in Seconds
Hearts & Scribbles
Two Points of Interest
I'm Into Books
April 2nd:
Rockin’ Book Reviews
Life on Chickadee Lane
Pause for Tales
April 3rd:
Jorie Loves A Story
Reading Excursions
Red Headed book Lady
Splashes of Joy
Cover Lover Book Review
Reading Is My SuperPower
April 4th:
Grand Finale

About the Author

Christy Hayes lives outside Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband and dogs. Christy writes Contemporary Romance, New Adult Romance, Christian Romance, and Women's Fiction. When not writing, she’s reading, walking dogs, or stalking her college-aged kids on social media.

Tour Giveaway

Three winners will receive an ebook of Maybe It's You by Christy Hayes
Open internationally
Ends April 8, 2020

Grab Our Button!

Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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