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We're launching the Book and Bookstagram Tours for THE GENESIS OF SEVEN by Sara M. Schaller! #G7Prism

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Author Interview

What inspired you to write THE GENESIS OF SEVEN?

I completely agree with the philosophy you should write the book you always wanted to read, and for me that is what drove me to write The Genesis of Seven. When I was younger, it seemed no matter where I looked, be it books or even movies, angels were always portrayed in a way that just did not agree with me. Either their stories were based on romances with humans, or they were pitted against each other with evil intentions. Because of this, I wanted to give the angels a new narrative, one that portrayed them as a group, focused on their origin story, and described the circumstances that led to the ultimate battle of good vs. evil.

If you could sum the book up in one sentence, what would you say?

The Genesis of Seven is a story full of adventure that follows the journey of eighteen-year-old Jordan Conway, who must travel the world with Archangel Gabriel to reunite all the angels and save the world from Satan and his fallen forces.

What challenged you about writing this story?

The most challenging part about writing this story was the multiple points of view. I always knew this was how I wanted to write the book, but it was a lot easier to plan it than execute it. What was so difficult was trying to make each voice standout and be different from the others, while at the same time creating a cohesive narrative. Some characters were easier to write than others because they felt more natural. For instance, Jordan’s chapters were by far the easiest while Satan’s were the hardest.

Which character do you most relate to and why?

The character I relate most to is Jordan because it’s easier for me to put myself in his shoes. Many of his decisions and reactions are probably the way I would handle the situation if I was randomly thrown into a world full of angels. I also can relate with him in other ways like how he’s not very athletic, or how he doesn’t have many friends because he prefers to be by himself even though he is very naturally friendly.

I think the biggest factor that is a direct link between him and I is the fact that he is at a transition period in his life and is utterly confused about what he wants to do. I knew that I wanted to go to college, much like Jordan, and I had an inkling of the subjects I was interested in, but if you asked me what career or occupation I wanted, it was hard for me to answer. I always get anxious with periods of change because facing the unknown is scary, and I think Jordan does feel some of this, but the angels act as a perfect distraction to take his mind off the future decisions he has to make. Yet, I also know that the journey he is on is the best scenario for him because it will shape him and his future decisions more than he knows, which is something I experienced and benefitted from.

What do you hope readers will take with them after they’ve read it?

There are three main things I hope readers take with them after they read The Genesis of Seven. One, I want readers to take with them some enjoyment and entertainment because that’s the true purpose of books. Two, I want readers to take with them a different perspective on the angels and be introduced to them in a way they have never seen. Finally, for those readers interested in the more hidden details, I want them to discover the symbolism in the book and be inspired by varying interpretations.

What is something about you that is unique or that we may not know?

When I was a kid, I almost got held back a grade because I was struggling with reading, so my mom sent me to a summer reading program taught by nuns. All in all, something you may not know about me is that I didn’t think writing would be an interest of mine because my love of reading came at a late age, and the nuns in this book are inspired by those that taught me to read.

The Genesis of Seven
(The Empyrean Trilogy, #1)
By Sara M. Schaller
YA Fantasy, Paranormal
Hardcover, Paperback & ebook, 348 Pages
July 7, 2020 by Designs by Seraphim

Eighteen-year-old Jordan Conway has always wanted to help people, but helping seven archangels to achieve their divine duty was never quite what he had in mind… 

When Jordan is entrusted by the head nun of his orphanage to deliver a mysterious backpack to a New York City address, he comes unexpectedly face-to-face with Archangel Gabriel. Their acquaintance fast uncovers a labyrinth of secrets that connect Jordan’s once-normal life to an ancient heavenly prophecy. Now, he must help Gabriel to reunite the archangels before evil forces grow too strong.

Soon, Jordan and Gabriel find themselves on a divine quest across the globe, while deep in the pits of Hell, Satan plots his return to earth. To gain control, however, Satan needs the powerful prophetic objects locked safe inside Jordan’s backpack—and the devil will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

With that notion threatening his only family and the safety of his newfound friends, Jordan must do whatever it takes to protect the ones he loves and help the archangels succeed. If that means sacrificing all he thought he knew to go to war with the devil himself? Bring it on.

(Affiliate links included.)

Tour Schedule

September 14th:
September 15th:
September 16th:
September 17th:
September 18th:
September 19th:
September 21st:
September 22nd:
September 23rd:
September 24th:
September 25th:

Bookstagram Tour

Check out the Bookstagram Tour here, which has its own giveaway!

About the Author

SARA M SCHALLER is a paralibrarian, publishing professional, and young adult author. She lives in Colorado with her mom, dad, brother, and four furry canine siblings. Sara loves the world of pop culture and the performing arts, so when she is not reading or writing, she is either watching movies and shows, attending conventions, or going out to see live performances. She likes to write stories for all ages in the fantasy genre, and her writing usually contains elements of speculative fiction and features a large cast of characters. Sara has a Bachelor’s degree in English, Art History, and Religious Studies from the University of Denver, and a Master’s degree in Publishing from Pace University. For five years, Sara worked as a graphic designer, and her creativity in design carries over into other areas of her life like writing. You can visit her online at

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive the following: a backpack to match the main character's, a necklace to match the main character's, a signed hardcover, a bookmark, a set of pins with a pen, and a passport with a sticker sheet featuring locations in the book.

Open internationally
Ends September 29, 2020

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Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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