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It's the Grand Finale for A RANGER FOR THE TWINS by Tanya Agler! #RFTPrism

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Author Interview

What do you hope readers will take with them after they’ve read it?

I hope readers will take away that love and relationships provide the biggest treasure of our lives. Rather than locking love away to keep it hidden, sharing it is one of the hardest, but most worthwhile, aspects of life. Sometimes we have to look within and accept ourselves in those relationships, but acceptance can come where we least expect it, even from those we least expect it. In Caleb’s case, he finds love and acceptance for the real Caleb at Lucie’s house, from Ethel the pig to Lucie herself. For Lucie, redemption started with accepting herself and not letting her inner self stay hidden forever.

Bookstagram Tour
(With its own giveaway.)

"At the heart of this novel, Agler presents the case for second chances – in life, in success, and in romance.

This is a sweet, clean, heart-breaking, and definitely heart-warming read that I didn’t want to put down and really enjoyed reading. . . . Fans of the genre as well as those who read the first book by the author are sure to like this installment."

That Lucie of yesteryear, the debutante whose outfits matched her purses, didn’t exist anymore. Her father had always chucked her chin and told her she was tougher than she thought. He’d been right. In the past two years, she’d learned how to make Hamburger Helper stretch for three nights and how to accept kindness with a smile.

“That Lucie had to grow up.”

Among the Reads - Review

"Lucie’s menagerie was fun! The author managed to show the unique “personalities” of each of her unique pets. Not only were their names fun but so were their quirks. I loved the way Ladybug, the English bulldog, always sat on Caleb’s feet. And Ethel, the huge miniature pig was so funny!

This small-town romance was a sweet story. There were several ahh inspiring moments."

"This is a well-written story of a man being torn between several conflicts, a single mother's effort to prove herself to her community, in spite of the odds. It is a story of sorting out true friendship and of individuals searching deep within themselves for who they truly are. . . . It left one with a uplifted feeling."

Spying was the more accurate word, but that was harsher to his ears.

Then came the words he’d never expected to hear after all these years.

Lucie considered him her best friend.

Friends didn’t spy on each other.

Friends didn’t lie to each other.

Becky on Books - Review

"A Ranger for the Twins is a sweet, slow smolder friends-to-lovers romance, and my first read from this author. It’s Tanya Agler‘s second set in Hollydale (after The Sheriff’s Second Chance), but it works just fine as a standalone. . . . Everything manages to come together at the end with HEA achieved and Lucie, Caleb, Mattie, and Ethan’s situations all coming out better than they went into the book, which I closed with a happy sigh."

A yellow Victorian caught his eye and he slowed his pace. Then he squinted at what used to be the most impressive house in town. Paint peeled off the second-story shutters, one of which was slightly askew, while the white picket fence bordering the front yard needed pressure washing. He read the sign on the fence: Don’t Let the Pigs Out. He rubbed his eyes and reread the words. He hadn’t made any mistakes.

"This book is part of the Harlequin Heartwarming line and it truly fits this description! You will laugh and you may cry, but I feel sure that you'll enjoy A Ranger for the Twins by Tanya Agler. If you're looking for a clean and sweet romance that tugs at your heart, you will want to take this trip to Hollydale and the Great Smoky Mountains!"

E-Romance News - Excerpt

Lucie gazed upward before running her hands through her hair and looking his way. “For two years, I’ve been accused of every crime imaginable. There’s nothing like finding out your husband, who’s now my ex, is a first-rate scumbag.” Lowering her voice, she glanced toward the living room and clenched her teeth. “So many people didn’t believe me. So many times, I thought I wouldn’t get to see my children grow up because I’d be behind bars. So many times, I thought of you and missed my friend, the person who always treated me with respect.”

Splashes of Joy - Review

"I so much enjoyed this sweet Heartwarming romance. Lucie and Caleb [work] so well together and their budding relationship is fun and interesting to watch. . . . There were a lot of characters, different yet interesting and the story was quite realistic because I felt I was among friends while I was reading and for that reason I didn’t want the book to end. My favorite characters were the adorable twins. Their sweetness adds an element to the story that just makes it shine. . . . If you are ready for a sweet Heartwarming romance, Hallmark style, this is a great book for you to check out. This is sure a book for you Romance readers out there. And it is a nice clean one too!!"

Pause for Tales - Review

"I cannot imagine how hard it would be to be judged for the criminal doings of your spouse. . . . This was a story of starting over from the very bottom. . . the author did not sugarcoat anybody's pain. And the pain of losing their life long savings was palpable. As well as Lucie's pain of being judged unfairly. Caleb balanced out the story well."

"After reading A Ranger for the Twins, I know I need to read the first book in the series. I loved the author’s writing and definitely want to read more by her. . . . A Ranger for the Twins is a book I enjoyed from start to finish."

quirkybookreads - Review

"I really enjoyed reading A Ranger for the Twins. I liked how both Lucie and Caleb grew together as characters especially as the sparks begin to fly. . . . I would recommend A Ranger for the Twins to everyone who loves sweet romance books and especially if you love Mills & Boon."

"A Ranger for the Twins really is a Heartwarming story and one that had me rooting for Lucie Decker and her sweet twins. . . . Lucie and her twins aren’t the only characters who will steal your heart, nope, there is also a handsome, helpful Ranger named, Caleb Spindler and some quirky pets to steal your heart and put a smile on your face. . . . I loved this sweet novel which is why I recommend it to readers of most ages."

Kimber Li - Excerpt

Lucie grabbed one of the clips and snapped it. “Caleb Spindler is back in town.”

“Caleb? The Hero of Hollydale?” Mitzi started applying the cream mixture to Georgie’s hair. “We should approach him about endorsing the center while the curling iron is still hot.”

Mitzi laughed at her own joke while Lucie cracked a smile.

“That might be difficult considering I kicked him out of my house last night.”

"A Ranger for the Twins by Tanya Agler is a story about the past blending into the present. . . I love all the scenes with Lucie and Caleb going back and forth on trying to understand their feelings of attraction.

If you enjoy contemporary clean romance with a twist of a past and a present relationship, then you’ll love A Ranger for the Twins by Tanya Agler."

Moving back to Hollydale was supposed to fill that family-sized hole in him, the one he’d dug when he moved to Yellowstone, where he hadn’t known a soul. While the job was professionally fulfilling, there’d been something lacking. Something green like the pines dotting the Great Smokies. Something deep like the depths of Timber River. Something he yearned to reconnect with.

"The novel is a sweet and clean romance about two people learning to let go of the past and trusting each other. The story was a cozy read about two people falling in love when they been hurt in the past. . . if you are a fan of cozy romance novels then this will be your type of book."

While Caleb had been away, Lucie had gone from the town sweetheart to the town pariah who housed unwanted animals while starting a business to support this household. In that same time, Caleb had gone from the town no-name whose surgery sidelined him to the town hero who worked around the clock to make sure he was never without sufficient eggs in different baskets.

"I appreciated their friendship and Caleb's determination to help Lucie to be a success. I admired Lucie's determination to reestablish herself in town as an independent woman who was free of her ex-husbands misdeeds. I wanted the two of them to figure it out, because they are good for each other. . . .It's a fun ride to read. I may have to go back and read the first one (because I did enjoy those supporting characters!) and will keep an eye out for future installments."

". . . Hollydale is my new favourite small towne I can't wait to revisit!! Here's to more installments and more lives being healed and restored through Agler's vision for her growing community where hearts and live intersect with a lot of love and hope! Agler has a style for Contemporary Romance which is smooth as key lime pie and as charmingly lovely to read as a cool Autumn afternoon."

"I really enjoy these Harlequin Heartwarming stories because they truly are heartwarming. They make for clean, sweet, and quick reads, which are all positives in my book."

Then again, that made it sound as if she wanted him to give her inside information. She shuddered. She’d never take advantage of their friendship in that way.

Nor would she ever have him risk being accused of any impropriety that could jeopardize his professional reputation. She had to keep her distance.

She and Caleb would be friends and nothing more. Like they’d agreed.

"I loved Lucie. She is so well rounded and just so real. . . . The book is very well written and once I started reading, I couldn't put it down."

"I found the story to be sweet, warm, and satisfyingly healing for both the hurting Lucie and Caleb. The twins were absolutely adorable and I really loved getting to see all of the characters changing and growing throughout the story"

Hallie Reads - Review

"Tanya Agler’s A Ranger for the Twins is delightful. I enjoyed getting to know Lucie and Caleb—and Lucie’s entertaining twins—and even with the complications, their story proves to be heartwarming from beginning to end. I definitely recommend this book to readers in need of a contemporary romance."

Heidi Reads... - Excerpt

His hand reached out and touched her sleeve. His warmth sank in, a tease of spring after a cold winter, and she wanted to lean into that, but she halted and met his gaze.

“Former friendship? You’re revoking my friendship card?” His eyes twinkled.

Harlie's Books - Review

"Ms. Agler has my heart now. I found her refreshing, her characters popped off the page, and couldn’t help but smile the whole time I read this book. . . . if you are looking to sit down and a read a fantastic friends to lovers story with one spunky heroine and an ordinary guy turned hero, then this book is for you. You will fall in love with them, the kids and especially the animals."

Bizwings Blog - Review

"Learning trust, forgiveness, and how to love again are all lessons learned in the storyline. The characters are real to life. Lucie is a down-to-earth loving mother of twins and is determined. Caleb is loving, caring, and steadfast, standing behind Luice giving her support just when she needs it. The twins Ethan and Mattie are sweet and entertaining children.

The ending wrapped up everything nicely. A very sweet and uplifting story. Highly recommended."

A slight twinkle returned to Lucie’s eyes as they dared him to follow her instructions. Caleb was game for anything. Once. He settled on the couch. Ethel followed him and jumped up next to him. His eyes widened, and every muscle in his body went on full alert. “Is she allowed up here?”

Lucie laughed, the sound music to his ears. “Are you going to tell her different?”

Good point. “What do I do now?”

"Tanya Agler’s A Ranger for the Twins is an adorable contemporary romance that touches the heart and tickles the funny bone. Tanya Agler has written a sweet, sparkling and scintillating tale full of humour, emotion and intensity featuring a strong, resourceful and courageous heroine readers will root for and a charismatic hero they will fall in love with."

"This book contains well written characters. I felt bad for Lucie for what she went through with her ex husband. I can't imagine my world crashing down in a moment. The storyline is flowing and contains sweet romance."

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post...

A Ranger for the Twins
By Tanya Agler
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
October 6, 2020 by Harlequin Heartwarming

She fell from grace…

Before falling for him

When her husband defrauded the town of Hollydale, now-divorced mom Lucie Decker went from being the town darling to total pariah. Now she’s launching a new business and needs ranger Caleb Spindler’s help. And her twins adore Caleb. After all, he’s a genuine hero—even if he is hiding a secret. But while Lucie’s heart has forgotten how to trust, it still remembers how to fall in love…

(Affiliate links included.)

Other Books in the Series

The Sheriff's Second Chance
By Tanya Agler
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 368 Pages
January 1, 2020 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Broken things can’t be fixed…

Or can they?

Officer and single dad Mike Harrison doesn’t believe in second chances. Ever. That is, until he learns that his former best friend—gorgeous green-eyed car mechanic Georgie Bennett—is back in town. Unfortunately, she’s also a suspect in a recent break-in! But it’ll take an old classic car to show Mike and Georgie that almost anything can be restored with a little patience…and a whole lot of love.

(Affiliate links included.)

About the Author

An award-winning author, Tanya Agler moved often during her childhood and settled in Georgia where she writes sweet contemporary romance novels, which feature small towns, family and pets, and themes of second chances and hope. Her debut, The Sheriff’s Second Chance, is a January of 2020 Harlequin Heartwarming release. The sequel, A Ranger for the Twins, will be released in Oct. 2020. A graduate of the University of Georgia with degrees in journalism and law, she lives with her wonderful husband, their four children, and a lovable Basset, who really rules the roost. Represented by Dawn Dowdle and the Blue Ridge Literary Agency, she’s currently at work on the sequels to her debut. When she’s not writing, Tanya loves classic movies, walking, and a good cup of tea.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a tote bag, $10 Amazon gift card, signed print copy of The Sheriff's Second Chance and a pen (US only)
Ends October 7, 2020

Grab Our Button!

Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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