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It's the Grand Finale for DREAMING OF TOMORROW by Michelle De Bruin! #DTPrism

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you'll find snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

After months of waiting for its release, I'm so happy to finally share this book with you. It has all of my favorite things in it, including marriage to a special man, old houses, and the congregation of the Body of Christ. Enjoy reading the book reviews and author interviews, and be sure to enter the drawing for a giveaway. . .

"I enjoyed this sweet romance. It was such a delight to read Karen and Logan’s story. It is one of those books that will make me laugh at one moment and grab the tissues at another. . . . I recommend it for readers who enjoy clean romance. I thought it was a good and not one to be missed."

“This is lovely.” Mother’s eyes brightened.

“Very stylish. With your daughter’s blonde hair and fair skin, this lace would make a perfect complement to her wedding gown. Women with her coloring should wear white, not ivory or creamier shades.” Mother’s personal dress designer stepped closer and tapped her chin.

Karen preferred the white fabric to the cream one. The white was her choice for the dress she would wear to marry Logan, but mother’s choice of lace, beautiful as it was, didn’t fit with her desire for simplicity.

"The character growth throughout the series has been fun to see, the way readers get to follow along with a romance that is not sudden nor rushed but sweet and learning gave a warm and cozy feeling.
If you enjoy historical romances, stories about teachers, pastors, or small town settings this is the book for you!"

Books & Benches - Excerpt

“Missing him, aren’t you?” Julia looked at her with concern.

“Terribly.” Karen lowered her voice to a whisper. “I never wanted this teaching job. I only took it because the salary will give us a good start to our marriage.”

“Very noble and worthwhile in the end. You’ll see.” Julia patted her knee below the table.

"This is a delightfully fun drama! Although there is not a lot of action, the story steadily moved along, maintaining the readers interest. . . . The writing was very good, the Cover image and title were well-chosen, and the plot held some humor as well as romance."

“Tell us about your engagement ring, Miss Millerson.” Blanche pointed to Karen’s hand.

“It’s pretty. Who is the groom?” Jane asked.

The other members in the party, lagging after the efforts of memorization, snapped to full attention.

“His name is Logan, and he lives in Iowa.” Karen removed the ring from her finger and passed it around the gathering.

"A beautiful story well written indeed! . . . I highly recommend this story for it will leave you feeling comforted in more ways than one and your heart feeling full and satisfied."

Lisa's Reading - Excerpt

“But you’re the talk of the town. Ever since your announcement of your upcoming wedding, downtown has been buzzing.” James Koelman, senior partner in his law firm, leaned forward and pointed at Logan.

“It’s been great for sales. The young men in Oswell City are taking their cues from you, Pastor De Witt. Rings are flying off the shelf.” Artie Goud, proprietor of the jewelry store, clicked his tongue in delight. “If I were you, I’d expect a busy fall season filled with weddings.”

"This was the second book I read from the author. The book is a cozy read . . . I did enjoy reading about Logan and Karen's family. I liked that he took the path of being straightforward and forgiveness."

Hallie Reads - Excerpt

Logan gave her another twirl, and this time when he fell into rhythm with her, he used the correct foot. “I think I’m getting the hang of this.”

“You’re doing a wonderful job. A fast learner.” Karen kept pace with him as he followed the music.

When the waltz ended, he paused and offered a grand bow.

Pause for Tales - Review

"I have been following this series since the beginning, through all of Logan's and Karen's ups and downs and I was really excited for this next chapter. It did not disappoint and I am so glad the author gave us their long awaited marriage and to see them work as a married couple. . . . This was a great ending to an interesting courtship."

“This is Pastor Logan De Witt from Iowa,” she introduced him over and over again, as the guests shook Logan’s hand and received his sunlit smile.

Whenever a gap occurred in the line, Karen took a step back. She really didn’t need to move out of her place in the receiving line at all, but it gave her a better view of Logan. The borrowed tuxedo made him look positively dapper. The long tails and crisp cut of the jacket accentuated his height. The white shirt beneath and the white bow tie gave him distinction and also spoke of his natural appreciation of the finer things.

"Author Michelle De Bruin successfully conveys Logan's efforts to serve his congregation while adjusting to married life and she captures Karen's desire to live up to their rural community's expectations of a minister's wife. . . . The characters are well-developed and I recommend Dreaming of Tomorrow to all who appreciate historical Christian romance."

Heidi Reads... - Excerpt

“How would you like to say goodbye?” He asked in a quiet voice.

Karen considered the question. “Take a walk with me.” There was still one place she wanted to visit with him. A peaceful evening and a spacious garden awaited them. She led him to the door she used when she slipped out to read his letters. A brick path curved around the house to the garden’s gate. Karen opened it and strolled at Logan’s side through hedges of hydrangea, groupings of lilies, butterfly bushes, and a wide variety of late summer flowers. They reached the scrolled iron table and chairs on the far side of the fountain.

“I could marry you tonight.” Logan draped his suit coat over the back of one of the chairs and took her in his arms. “You know that, don’t you?”

Remembrancy - Review

"I also appreciated that De Bruin didn’t sugar coat Logan’s and Karen’s lives. There was sorrow alongside joy, the hard truths of life alongside fulfilled dreams, and a look into the relationship before and after marriage.

Fans of Janette Oke or those who simply want a cozy and uplifting read will enjoy this book as well as the entire series."

". . . I must commend Ms. De Bruin on her writing style and voice in regards to how she paints pictures with her choices in words, phrases and the constructs of her narrative. She has a lovely way of giving subtle notations of place within her story and those are cherished because I love seeing the ease in which she has fused them together."

“I think I’ll take a look at this now.” Karen held up her gift.

Logan smiled, so she unwrapped the box. No writing on the outside indicated the contents. Karen opened the box and pulled out a small glass container oval in shape with a liquid inside.

“Read it.” Logan turned the glass bottle around.

“Song of the Spring.” A whiff of flowers reached her nose. “You bought me perfume.”

"The author crafts this story in short chapters which definitely made it easy to read and keep up with the story without losing interest. There were some areas that lagged and others that sped up a bit. De Bruin’s writing is definitely descriptive and vivid which draws the reader so far into the story they almost feel like they’re there with the characters. . . . Overall, I really enjoyed this beautiful, poignant, endearing saga of love; that added a devastating, and heart-breaking reality of immeasurable loss.

Fans of the author, genre, and those who’ve read the two previous novels are sure to enjoy this story."

Kimber Li - Excerpt

The organ music faded away. Henry brought Karen to a stop at the front of the church.

Pete cleared his throat. “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

“Her mother and I.” Henry lifted Karen’s veil and pecked a kiss to her cheek.

Logan stepped forward. Karen held onto his arm and went with him to stand before Pete. The service unfolded like a pleasant dream. He said what he’d rehearsed at the proper times and with no stutters. Someone must have prayed for his speech to flow so smoothly in this crucial moment. His heart did the talking, not his intellect.

Splashes of Joy - Review

"And what a special time to witness this beautiful, long awaited wedding! De Bruin does a really great job of giving readers an ending to a beautiful ending to this courtship. I didn’t read book one in this series, but I sure have enjoyed books 2 and three. If you love a sweet clean historical Romance, I highly recommend this one to you!"

Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the end of this post...

Dreaming of Tomorrow
By Michelle De Bruin
Christian Historical Romance
Paperback & ebook, 317 Pages
November 10, 2020 by Scrivenings Press LLC

Love leads them to a lifetime of commitment where the dreams they have held onto for so long start to come true.

Popular and eligible, Logan De Witt must convince the women in town that he is engaged to be married. A quiet, simple ceremony is what he has in mind for his wedding day, but when the date and time of his bride’s arrival is published in the newspaper, the whole town joins in the celebration proving to Logan and his new wife their sincere friendship and support. Added to the excitement of Logan’s marriage is the question of what the congregation should do with the unexpected donation of an orchard.

Karen Millerson is counting the days until her long-distance engagement comes to an end and she may travel to Oswell City to marry Logan. More than anything, she wants to share in his life as a help and support, but keeping a house and finding her place in the community requires much more work than she ever expected.

Learn, laugh, and love with Karen and Logan as they start a new marriage and work together ministering to the citizens of their small town.

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Other Books in the Series

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About the Author

Michelle De Bruin lives in Iowa with her husband and two teenage sons. She has a bachelor’s degree in Religion with a Christian Ministry emphasis, and in Music. Michelle is the spiritual services provider for an organization that offers services for people with mental and physical disabilities. She has been a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) since 2015. Michelle writes inspirational historical romance about people who live in rural communities. Characters that bring to life the delights of farm and small-town living, whispers of Dutch heritage, and Christian faith make Michelle’s stories distinct. A romantic at heart, Michelle is always on the lookout for glimpses of God’s love through the window of a good story.

Her first book, Hope for Tomorrow, released in 2018. The sequel, Promise for Tomorrow, released November 2019. The third book in the series, Dreaming of Tomorrow, releases November 2020.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $20 (USD) Amazon Gift Card and a copy of Dreaming of Tomorrow (winner can choose print if in the US and ebook outside the US)

Open internationally
Ends November 25, 2020

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Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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