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We're launching the Book Tour for MYSTIC INVISIBLE by Ryder Hunte Clancy!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Author Interview

What inspired you to write Mystic Invisible?

This whole thing came about in a really random way. Or it least it felt that way at the time. I never really intended to be an author. I love reading and I always enjoy a good story, but the thought of actually writing and publishing a book never crossed my mind, not consciously, that is. Here’s how it all unfolded: I was in a church meeting, trying to keep my baby entertained, and this name came to me. I could see the character pretty clearly in my mind and within seconds, details started to form around him (funny thing is it wasn’t even my main character, it was a Uncle Jarus). You can imagine the shock and excitement I felt as I dug through the diaper bag in search of paper and something to write this flood of ideas down with. The book would be my favorite genre, YA fantasy, and would be set in Scotland, where my husband was born and raised; a land that I love dearly. While the original story changed and developed over time, it was that initial surge of inspiration that started me down the path of writing Mystic Invisible.

What do you love the most about this story?

The characters and the world. There’s a lot of fun banter throughout and who can turn down the magic and mystery that is the Highlands of Scotland?

What challenged you about writing it?

Definitely trying to find balance between home life, responsibilities, etc. and attempting to write a novel. Scrounging up writing time (especially uninterrupted writing time, life with littles is always busy and loud) became a fine art for me. Another challenging thing was writing through pregnancy. I became pregnant with my third during heavy revisions of Mystic Invisible. If it wasn’t morning sickness and migraines then it was sore tailbones, heartburn, and insomnia. Fun fact: I signed with my agent just weeks before giving birth to my third child.

Which character do you most relate to and why?

Garrick, hands down. He’s the well-meaning and sometimes uptight older brother. He’s quite reserved but still has many ambitions.

What do you hope readers will take with them after they’ve read it?

A greater passion and excitement for reading, especially for our younger readers. I’d love for them to fall in love with the characters and the world just as I have.

What do you enjoy doing when you're not writing?

I love being out in the sun, naps, and yummy baked treats. An occasional Netflix or series binge on HBO is also appreciated for this often frazzled mom. Pre-pandemic life involved kid-free outings to Barnes and Noble, kid-free, and going to the movies. And reading, of course. Always.

Mystic Invisible
By Ryder Hunte Clancy
Young Adult Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 267 Pages
March 17, 2021 by Winter Goose Publishing

Scotland. Where fantasy, mystery, and folklore abound. A place of untold stories and forgotten paths.

A place where legends run awry.

Fifteen-year-old Monte moves to the mystically jeopardized Highlands of Scotland and discovers that life as a Celtic wizard is anything but easy. Whisperings of abnormal enchantments and vicious cat siths grip the small town he now calls home. Fear is at the helm and the instigator is unknown. An indefinite moratorium on magic is enforced. In a race against darkness, Monte and his friends must choose who to trust before time runs out, even if it means breaking some rules and facing danger head on.

(Affiliate links included.)

Tour Schedule

March 29th:
March 30th:
March 31st:
April 1st:
April 2nd:

About the Author

Ryder Hunte Clancy has lived most of her life in the desert but her heart belongs to the sea; her happy place, where brine and mist abound and allusive waves caress expansive stretches of compacted sand. A tried and true stay-at-home mom, she has just as much trouble keeping up with her fictional, teenage characters as she does her three small children. Mystic Invisible is her debut novel, the inspiration of which was gleaned from her husband’s homeland of Scotland, where fantasy, mystery, and folklore are rich and hints of adventure linger around every corner.

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a signed and personalized print copy of Mystic Invisible and a $20 Amazon gift card (US only)

Ends April 7, 2021

Grab Our Button!

Tressa @ Wishful Endings
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