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We're launching the Book Tour for REPLACED PARTS by Stephanie Hansen!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours 

Note from the Author


I’m excited to share this month's discount of Replace Parts with the friends of Prism Book Tours. This is such a great price at $0.99 (normally $4.99). This is my debut novel and I'm so happy to have it out in the world.

Replaced Parts is a mashup of relic and futuristic science — it's action packed and will keep you at the edge of your seat.

Thanks for being awesome book people.

Stephanie Hansen

Replaced Parts
(Transformed Nexus #1)
By Stephanie Hansen
Science Fiction, Young Adult
Paperback, ebook & audiobook, 240 Pages
February 23, 2021 by Fire and Ice Young Adult Books

In the year 2163 a corrupt World Government controls everything on our planet and beyond.

Sixteen year-old Sierra has been so caught up in her own world of saving animal test subjects and her father’s disappearance, she hasn’t paid much attention. When she finally finds his location, she and her friend set off on a covert interplanetary mission to rescue him, she begins to see the corruption first hand.

Discovering that her father has been on the front lines secretly trying to save human test subjects inspires her to join a revolution. But she is afraid of the collateral damage of hurting the people she loves. Will she find the strength to make a deal with the mad scientist Cromwell to save not just her friends and family but everyone?

(Affiliate links included.)
Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository | Apple Books | Kobo | Google Play
* On sale for 99 cents on e-book! *
Tour Schedule

September 13th:
Andi's Young Adult Books
Splashes of Joy
September 14th:
Christy's Cozy Corners
Wishful Endings
September 15th:
Living in a Bookworld
September 16th:
BookHounds YA
Lady Hawkeye
September 17th:

Rockin' Book Reviews
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog

About the Author

Stephanie Hansen is a PenCraft Award Winning Author. Her short story, Break Time, and poetry has been featured in Mind's Eye literary magazine. The Kansas Writers Association published her short story, Existing Forces, appointing her as a noted author. She has held a deep passion for writing since early childhood, but a brush with death caused her to allow it to grow. She's part of an SCBWI critique group in Lawrence, KS and two local book clubs. She attends many writers' conferences including the Writing Day Workshops, New York Pitch, Penned Con, New Letters, All Write Now, Show Me Writers Master Class, BEA, and Nebraska Writers Guild conference as well as Book Fairs and Comic-Cons. She is a member of the deaf and hard of hearing community.

Tour Giveaway

Audiobook of Replaced Parts by Stephanie Hansen and a $25 Amazon gift card

Ends September 22, 2021

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